Page 33 of If You Believe
She was trying to ignore him right now, to pretend she didnt care at all if he delved into her past. But she couldnt quite manage it—either that, or he was getting to know her well enough to see the tiny pleats of worry at her brow and the barest of trembling in her fingers.
There was something in her past. As hard as it was to imagine, Mariah had a secret.
He was becoming more and more certain of it, and the more he thought a
bout it, the more intrigued he became. The more he wanted to know the truth.
But he couldnt learn anything about her if she wouldnt look at him. Right now she was staring at her plate as if it held the crown jewels of England. She was trying to ignore him—and he couldnt stand that.
He cleared his throat and poked at his food with a fork. "These maggots sure look tasty. "
Her head jerked up. "Its spaetzle, Mr. Stone. "
Rass glanced. His blue eyes had a dreamy, faraway look. "Did someone mention maggots?"
"Of course not, Rass. Mr. Stone was just telling us about his friends. " She gave Mad Dog a too sweet smile. "Its an understandable mistake. " Before he could respond, she turned to her father. "Youve hardly touched your supper. Are you feeling well?"
Rass stabbed a slippery spaetzle and brought it to his mouth. "Um . . . good," he said, chewing noisily.
She smiled. "Very funny. "
Mad Dog stared at her, amazed again at the transformation a smile made on her face.
She seemed to feel his gaze and turned. "What are you looking at?"
"I was just thinking how pretty you are when you smile. " He said the words softly, surprised by the truth in them.
She stiffened. Her lips pressed in a hard line and she looked away.
Mad Dog frowned. "I meant it as a compliment. "
She ignored him completely and stared at her food.
He plopped his elbows on the table and steepled his fingers, studying her. She was trying to retreat into herself, trying to pretend he wasnt even at the table. He had no intention of being ignored. "So, Miss Throckmorton, how long have you lived here?"
She tensed, but didnt look up. "Most of my life. "
"Mariah doesnt leave the farm," Rass said matter-of-factly.
Mariah gasped quietly. "I . . . Im sure Mr. Stone isnt interested in our private affairs, Rass. "
Mad Dog leaned forward, smiled encouragingly. "On the contrary, Miss Throckmorton, your affairs are of the utmost interest to me. "
Hed gone too far. He knew it instantly.
Everything about her changed. She straightened. Her cold brown eyes fixed on him as if he were a spider on clean sheets. One eyebrow lifted derisively. "I cant imagine why, Mr. Stone. "
Rass set his fork down with a clank and sighed impatiently. "All this mister and miss is getting tiresome. Your names are Mariah and Mad Dog. Use them. "
Mariah looked at Mad Dog.
He gave her a challenging smile.
She didnt return it. "I cannot call a . . . human being Mad Dog. What is your given name?"
The question caught Mad Dog by surprise. It had been years since someone had asked his name; years more since hed answered. Hed become accustomed to traveling in anonymity, unknown and untraceable. He liked being one of the nameless.
He leaned back in his chair and gave Mariah his best sexy smile—the one that always worked. "Come on, Mariah, you can say Mad Dog if you really try. "