Page 58 of If You Believe
She pulled backward, ashamed and humiliated and desperate. Her hands curled into tight, trembling fists in her lap. "I c-cant. "
"Can"t what?"
She refused to look at him. "You know. "
He touched her chin with his forefinger, forced her to look at him. "Say the words. "
She looked into his passion-darkened eyes and almost cracked. He wanted her. It was a dizzying, exhilarating sensation that soared through her blood like a burst of hot sparks.
Her self-control started to spiral away from her. She was inches—centimeters—away from throwing caution to the wind. She had to do something to keep him from kissing her again. She searched frantically for something to keep them apart, and came up with words. "I cant . . . kiss a man whose name I dont even know. "
Surprise widened his eyes. The lazy, promise-laden smile dulled. Frowning, he drew back.
Mariahs pent-up breath released. Shed done it, made him pull away. Thank God.
"Youre good at it," he said softly.
Mariah shivered
beneath his perceptive look. "Good at what?"
"Protecting yourself. The name bit was particularly clever, Ill give you that. But it wont work—at least, not for long. "
"W-Why not?"
He leaned close enough to kiss her again, but he didnt. She felt his slow, even breathing like a whisper of promise against her mouth. "Because you want me. "
Fear cascaded through her in an icy cold wash. She jerked to her feet. Stumbling through the fishing gear, she put some distance between them. "No I dont. "
He grinned up at her. "Pretty fast moving for a lady who has no interest. "
Get away from him, now. Before you do something stupid—
Mariah snatched up her skirts and headed back towards the house. "Catch your own fish, Mr. Stone. I have better things to do. "
The rich, rumbling strains of his laughter followed her, nipped at her heels. She couldnt outrun it, couldnt ignore it.
Damn him—and damn her lonely soul. She knew why she couldnt outrun his words, couldnt forget the feel of his lips on hers. It was painfully, humiliatingly obvious.
He was right.
And they both knew it.
Mariah ran up the porch steps and flung the front door open. Skidding into the comforting darkness of the foyer, she sank onto the cushioned bench and let out her breath in a quivering sigh. She slumped forward and covered her face with her hands.
Her whole body was trembling, and she couldnt stop it.
"Oh, God . . . " she whispered into her hands, feeling the moist, humid heat of her own breath. For a second there shed forgotten everything, her past, her pain, her future. Shed wanted him to kiss her, wanted it with a desperation that left her shaken and weak and defenseless.
Shed come so close to destruction. . . .
But not close enough. She forced the harsh words into her mind. She hadnt succumbed; thats what she had to focus on, thats what she had to remember. She had to focus on the success; not how close shed been to failure. Shed felt vulnerable, but she hadnt let herself be vulnerable. Thankfully, there was a difference.
Shed been tempted, but she hadnt given in.
Gradually her breathing normalized. Her fear slid back into the dim recesses of her mind. Slowly she pushed to her feet and headed into the kitchen.
In the doorway, she came to a stumbling halt. Jake was at the kitchen table, alone.