Page 120 of Distant Shores
"And youre doing it anyway?"
Elizabeth shrugged. "For years, I failed by omission. I dont think anything can be worse than that. "
Kim hitched her purse strap over her shoulder. "I dont know, Elizabeth. Every time I think life cant get worse, my husband sends me a new set of papers. But good luck. I suppose good things have to happen to someone. "
Elizabeth was still trying to fish out a response to that when Kim walked past her and left the meeting.
The lure of the distant and difficult is deceptive.
The great opportunity is where you are.
--John Burroughs
Elizabeth was a wreck.
She hadnt slept more than two hours last night. Shed tossed and turned and sweated. Shed even cried, although whether out of fear or frustration, she didnt know. What she did know was that the Stormy Weather Arts Festival officially started in less than an hour, and she--fool that she was--had agreed to show her paintings to the world.
"Was I drunk?" she muttered, changing her clothes for the third time.
The decision of what to wear was simply too big.
She slumped onto the cold wooden floor in front of the sofa. She couldnt remember when shed been this scared. She would fall face-first today. And then what? Shed fought so hard for this new life of hers. Shed walked out of her marriage and forged her own path. Shed picked up her old paintbrushes and done the unthinkable: shed dreamed.
"Get a grip, Birdie. "
She went up to her bedroom and changed into an ankle-length black knit dress with a boldly patterned leather belt. She left her hair down (in case she needed to hide behind it) and peered into the mirror.
Her face was the size of a volleyball. Hello, Wilson.
She stifled the urge to groan aloud and focused on one thing at a time. Foundation first. She put on more than usual, then added blush and mascara. By the time she was finished, she looked nearly human again.
The phone rang--as expected, at eight-forty-five. Elizabeth briefly considered not answering it, but knew such an evasion would be pointless. Meghann would probably send the National Guard down to check on her.
"Hello?" she answered, hoping she didnt sound as brittle as she felt.
"I was afraid you wouldnt answer," Meg said. "Are you okay?"
"Id rather pull out my own toenails than go to the gallery today. I cant believe I agreed to do this. "
"God, I wish I could be there. Im so sorry. "
"Actually, Im glad youre busy. Ill call you when its over. "
"Youre my hero. You remember that. Im so proud of you. Today is going to change your life. "
Unfortunately, that wasnt easy to believe right now. "Thanks, Meg. "
They talked for a few more moments; then Elizabeth said good-bye and hung up the phone. She scouted through the bureau drawers for the right necklace. Finally,
she found what she wanted: an ornate turquoise squash blossom that Jack had bought her when he got the job in Albuquerque. This means good luck, baby, hed said.