Page 123 of Distant Shores
They strolled down the busy street together. At the ice cream shop, he bought two cones and two lattes. Then they went onto the Promenade and sat down on a cement bench. Out on the beach, a man was teaching a little boy to fly a kite.
Elizabeth stared at her cone as if the answer to world peace could be found in a scoop of chocolate chip mint.
"You have nothing to be ashamed of," he said finally.
"I know. " Her agreement sounded hollow, even to her own ears. She couldnt help it. All her energies were bound up in maintaining. There was nothing left over for pretense. "Its more of a free-form depression. "
"Did you think it would be easy?"
"I thought something would sell. "
He touched her cheek, gently forced her to look at him. "Does that matter so much?"
"No, but, aw, shit. " The tears shed been swallowing all day burst out.
Daniel took her in his arms. He stroked her hair and let her cry. Finally, she drew back, hiccuping, feeling like a fool. "Im sorry. Its just been an awful day. "
"Dont give up, Birdie. You have talent. I knew that the first time I saw you paint. I think maybe youve given up too easily before. "
She realized suddenly that she was in his arms, that he was holding her tightly. She felt his breathing against her forehead. Slowly, she looked up.
He took her face in his hands, wiped the tears with his thumbs. "It took guts to show your work today. I know. Theres nothing worse than standing naked in public and saying, Here I am. "
She stared at his mouth. All she heard was, "Naked?"
"You should be proud of yourself, Elizabeth. Anything else would be a crime. " He leaned toward her.
She saw the kiss coming and braced for it. Her heart raced. Oh, God . . .
His lips pressed against hers, his tongue pushed gently inside her mouth. He tasted of coffee and mint. She slid her arms up around his neck and pulled him closer.
And . . . nothing. No Fourth of July, no fireworks.
When the kiss was over and he drew back, he was frowning. "No good, huh?" He tried to smile.
Elizabeth was surprised. "I guess Im more married than I thought. "
"Too bad. " He stood up and pulled her to her feet beside him. Then he held on to her hand and led her across the street.
They cut through the crowd, threaded their way toward the shop.
Elizabeth realized a second too late where he was taking her. She gripped his hand tightly and tried to stop.
He pulled her forward, not stopping until they reached the open door.
"Come on, Daniel. Its a death-by-hanging in there. "
"Then put your neck in the noose; its what artists do. " He smiled down at her. "I expect big things of you, Elizabeth Shore. Now, get in there where you belong. "
She squared her shoulders and went back inside.
Marge smiled at her entrance, obviously relieved to see her. "Im glad you came back. "
"I didnt want to. " She forced the admission out. When she glanced at the door, she saw that Daniel was gone. "Chicken," she muttered.
"Its always difficult on the artist. I should have warned you. "
"Difficult?" Elizabeth said. "Difficult is making hollandaise sauce. This is a near-death experience. "