Page 79 of Distant Shores
When she was gone, he looked down at Sally, who was staring up at him as if he were a god.
On Friday, Meghann called exactly on time.
Elizabeth considered not answering, but knew it would be pointless. Meghann would just call back every five minutes until she got through.
With a sigh, she answered the phone. "Heya, Meg. "
"I would have let it ring forever, you know. "
Elizabeth sat down at the kitchen table. "The thought occurred to me. "
"Tonights the big night. The painting class you told me about. God, I wish I could be there. "
"You mean you wish you were driving me to class. "
"And walking you to the door. "
Elizabeth smiled a little. "I did consider not going. "
"Of course you did. But if you dont do it now . . . " Meg let the sentence trail off, unfinished. An uncoalesced threat, worse somehow for having no form.
"I know. And Im going. I am. "
"Good. Will you call me when you get home? I have a date, so I should be home by nine oclock at the latest. "
"Is that his curfew?"
"Very funny. He happens to be twenty-eight, a most respectable age. I just dont waste time anymore. If a date isnt going well in the first thirty minutes, believe me, its not going to pick up. "
"Maybe hell surprise you. "
"Birdie, they all surprise me. Last week, I hugged my date at the door and felt a bra strap. Well, I gotta go. Keep your chin up and remember how talented you are. "
"Ill remember," she said.
"Keep moving. Dont stop or slow down until your ass is in the chair. "
"Okay. "
For the next hour, Elizabeth followed her best friends advice. She didnt allow herself to pause or sigh or slow down or think.
Pack the supply bag.
Take a shower.
Dry your hair.
Get dressed.
She managed to get to the community college in less than thirty minutes. She parked right in front and went inside.
Outside classroom 108, a sign was posted. It read: BEGINNING PAINTING/ 5:00.