Page 62 of Once in Every Life
He gave her a gummy grin.
Behind her, the door creaked open. "Mama?"
"Yes, Savannah?"
"Can I ... talk to you?"
"Sure, kiddo. Sit down." She scooted sideways, making room.
Savannah perched tentatively beside her. Back stiff, eyes straight ahead, hands coiled in a nervous ball at her lap, she didn't say a word.
Tess waited silently.
After about three minutes of bone-jarring silence, Savannah cleared her throat. "I ... I was wondering about ... Oh, this is stupid. Never mind." She popped to her feet.
Tess reached out and grabbed her hand. Savannah turned, looked down at her.
"Is it about a boy?"
Savannah gasped. Her eyes rounded. "How did you know?"
Tess smiled. "I was twelve myself once."
Savannah slowly lowered herself back onto the swing's slatted seat. "It's Jeffie Peters." She turned suddenly, pinned a confused adolescent stare on Tess. "When he talks to me lately, I ... I feel like I'm gonna throw up."
Tess nodded sympathetically. "You like Jeffie?" Savannah nodded solemnly.
"There's nothing wrong with that. Nothing at all. It's perfectly normal."
"Then why do I feel all afraid and stupid when he talks to me?"
Tess smoothed the hair from Savannah's cheek and tucked a curly ringlet behind the girl's ear. "It's all part of growing up. It's nothing to be afraid of. And you know what?"
Tess leaned closer. "I'll bet he feels the same things when he looks at you."
Tess smiled. "Really."
Savannah threw her arms around Tess and Caleb. Tess hugged the girl tightly. Finally Savannah drew back and looked at Tess through huge, overbright eyes. "Thanks, Mama. I ..." Her voice dropped to a throaty whisper. "I love you."
Tess gasped. Emotion tightened her throat. Tears burned her eyes. "I ... I love you, too, sweetie."
Savannah smiled and swiped the tears from her eyes. Then she clambered to her feet and disappeared back in the house.
Tess sat there, too stunned to move.
/ love you, Mama. The simple words circled around and around in her brain, each repetition bringing with it a pang of joy so strong, Tess almost couldn't breathe. All her life she'd waited to hear those simple words?ached to hear them. And now she knew why. They filled her soul with a brightness she'd never even imagined before.
The next day dawned sunny and beautiful. Perfect for Tess's plan.
"Why'd you have Vannah make all this food, Mama?"