Page 92 of Once in Every Life
Restlessly he shifted from side to side. For the first time in years, the damn couch was acutely uncomfortable. And he knew it had nothing to do with the couch itself. It was Jack who was uncomfortable. He wanted to be in his bed. With his wife. "/ was going to kiss you, Jack." He groaned and rolled onto his back. The window glowed dully in the darkness of the room, its surface tarnished by the pale light of a slivered moon.
"She can't be changing," he whispered aloud, trying to take comfort from the sound of his own voice. "Could be you got yourself a new wife." Jack remembered Doc's words again, and this time they seemed edged in a certainty that had been missing before. She could be changing.
But could Jack? He'd mistrusted her for so long, lived in the shadow of her hatred and manipulation for so many years. How could he just let go of his armor and let himself believe in her? If he stripped away the sarcasm and anger, he'd be naked to her attack.
And what if it was all a lie? Or temporary? How would he and the kids survive if it was all just another deadly trap? If they became a family and then tomorrow, or the next day, or next week, she turned on all of them and smiled that cold, frightening smile of hers and told them it was all a game . ..
He shivered and drew the blanket tighter against his body.
He'd never been so goddamn confused in all his life.
Sunday morning, Tess got up bright and early. She patted Caleb's shoulder, murmuring soft mommy-babble words to the tiny face resting on her shoulder.
"What do you think, big fella? Is oatmeal, eggs, and bacon enough?"
Caleb made a quiet gurgling sound that seemed affirmative.
Tess kissed his soft cheek. "That's what I thought." Moving toward the hot stove, she peered into the big cast-iron pot and frowned. The oatmeal didn't look too good. Fortunately the eggs and bacon showed definite promise. She glanced into the living room and saw that Jack was still asleep on the sofa. A soft, wistful smile touched her lips as she stared at him.
He had to be dog-tired. Last night she'd heard him muttering and pacing long after she'd closed her bedroom door. She smiled at the thought. Hopefully he'd been thinking about their kiss.
Moving quietly, she set the table. The tablecloth, silverware, and plates were in place, and she was just arranging the flowers as Savannah and Katie tiptoed into the room.
"Mornin', Mama," they whispered together. Savannah pointed a finger toward the living room. "Daddy's sleeping"
Tess smiled. "I know. Sorta strange, isn't it?" Both girls nodded.
Tess shot a glance at the mantel clock. "Unfortunately, we're going to have to wake him up or we'll be late for church."
Savannah's eyes bulged. Her mouth dropped open.
Tess had already guessed that the Raffertys weren't a churchgoing family. Savannah's thunderstruck expression only confirmed it.
Tess smiled broadly. Change was good for a family? especially this family. "Is there a problem, Savannah?"
"Daddy won't go to church," she blurted out. "He says God's a hoax."
"I'm sure he meant host. As in heavenly."
Savannah looked skeptical. "I don't think so."
"Well, then it's best if I tell him the plan for today. Why don't you serve up breakfast?"
The girls looked at her as if she were out of her mind, but they didn't say a word. Biting back a smile, Tess headed toward the living room.
As she passed the girls, someone tugged on her sleeve. Pausing, she turned back around.
Savannah had her arms outstretched. "You better give me Caleb. It might get?" color suffused her cheeks "?loud."
Katie nodded solemnly. "Really loud."
This time Tess had to smile. She handed the baby to Savannah, then moved soundlessly toward the sofa. She perched on its hard edge and stared down at Jack's profile. Even in sleep he looked tired and drawn. The stubbly growth of hair that fringed his jawline was thick and black, a stark contrast to the paleness of his skin. Gray-blue shadows smudged his cheeks and discolored the flesh around his eyes. He looked like a man who hadn't slept well in years.
And now she would wake him. Regret nudged Tess and made her reevaluate her plan.