Page 29 of A Handful of Heaven
She forced a smile. "Naturally."
When the cup was full to the brim, he handed it back her. A dozen pairs of eyes bored through her. She trapped. It would be the height of rudeness to refuse to drink.'
She took a dainty sip of the liquid. "Why, it's good!" exclaimed.
A hearty cheer rose from the men, and they set ab clapping each other on the back.
As they congratulated themselves Devon took several
ladylike sips, finding the tart taste extremely pleasant. The way it bubbled all the way to her stomach was most delightful.
The men waited patiently for her to finish the champagne (which took a shockingly short amount of time), and then filed past her to the door. One by one they solemnly shook her hand, said thank you, and then left.
The second-to-the-last one to say good night was Midas. He shuffled up to her slowly, his pinched face unreadable. She tensed, waiting for his hatred to resurface now that the party was over.
He surprised her by taking her hand in his. "I done you wrong, and I'm sorry. This here was the first Christmas dinner IVe had in twenty-five years, and I can't tell you how-" His gravelly voice dropped an octave. "How good it felt."
Tears sparkled in her eyes. "Oh, Midas ..."
His face remained earnest as he looked up at her. "Don't let no small-minded old man rattle you again-you belong here as much as any of us. Maybe more." Before she could say a word he bolted out of the door and disappeared.
She turned, instinctively wanting to share her joy with Stone Man.
He was standing in the corner with his parka and mukluks already on. His face was grim and unreadable. "Let's go."
Her balloon of happiness popped. Reality smacked her in the face, wiping away her smile. She may have won a small skirmish with Midas, but the war was still to be waged with Stone Man. Wordlessly she put on her parka and boots and followed him out the door.
They hadn't gone more than ten steps when the champagne kicked in. A flurry of bubbles burst to life in her head. She started giggling and couldn't stop.
"Oh, for God's sake," he muttered. "I knew I shouldn't let you drink that."
She tried to catch up with him, but her feet seemed huge, and her skirts kept tugging at her ankles.
He grabbed her hand, steadying her.
She grinned up at him. "Thanks."
Stone Man couldn't help himself. He smiled. She looked
My Dev.
Sexual congress?