Page 34 of A Handful of Heaven
You belong with me, she thought.
If only she had the courage to speak the words aloud. . . . But she didn't. If she said it, he'd run. Of that she had no doubt.
He'd never belonged anywhere, and years of isolation and alienation had taken their toll. Even now, in her arms, he couldn't believe he belonged.
Emotion swelled in her throat. God, she'd do anything to erase the pain in his soul.
Suddenly she knew why she'd wanted so desperately to be his lover. It had nothing to do with warmth or proximity or even with the fact that he was her last chance. She wanted it because she loved him.
Chapter Nineteen
I love you. The words burned in Devon's throat, aching to be spoken aloud.
She pressed her lips together. That sentence would send Stone Man screaming into the woods. He probably wouldn't stop running until he hit the coast. And then he'd jump in a boat.
It was too soon to speak. For now she'd have to content herself with feeling. "Stone Man-"
"Call me Cornelius," he interrupted softly. "I don't feel much like a stone man right now."
She stretched her naked body full against his. His arms slipped around her waist. Together they snuggled deeper inside their furry cocoon.
Devon looked into his eyes, as warm now as maple syrup, and completely forgot her train of thought. / love you. The words leapt into her mind again, and this time the need to speak was almost overpowering.
She averted her gaze quickly.
His finger brushed her chin, urging her to tilt her face up to his. A wave of longing swept through her as their gazes locked. Longing not of the body but of the soul. God, she wanted to touch every part of him, to know every part of him.
The thought reminded her of his confession about prison. She couldn't help wanting to ask him about it. But she wouldn't, she vowed; she wouldn't ask him. For once in her life she was going to keep quiet.
"Dev? What's the matter?"
"It's nothing," she said quickly, "nothing at all. I was just wondering about something. Nothing important."
He smiled. "I was hoping a good romp would addle you for a bit longer."
She smiled. "Romp? Couldn't you come up with a more . . . glamorous term?"
"Believe me, I could have chosen worse."
Her smile faded suddenly. She looked up at him earnestly. "Did we make love?"
He flinched, then sighed. Why couldn't she just let well enough alone? He didn't want to answer that question right now. He didn't even want to think about it.
He forced a laugh. In the tent's quiet the sound was harsh and hard. "Did we ever."
Disappointment brought a lump to Devon's throat. She swallowed thickly and looked away. It was what she'd expected, of course. But still it hurt. Why couldn't he admit that what they'd shared was special?
She shouldn't have asked him. She knew better. Why couldn't she ever keep her thoughts to herself?
"Dev?" His voice was quiet, and it wrapped around her like rich velvet in the semidarkness, reminding her that even now, even in her aching silence, she had more than she'd ever dreamed of. She had his arms around her, and she had his love. Oh, he might not know he loved her, but she certainly knew it. For now, she told herself, that would have to be enough.
Unfortunately silent acceptance was not one of her strong suits. But this time would be different, she vowed. This time she'd wait patiently-and quietly-until he realized he loved her.