Page 83 of Break Me
I sit back and look at him. His hair is less spiky now, it’s wavier and softer. His after-shower look is incredibly sexy.
He tilts his head to the side, and his beautiful green eyes narrow a bit. Then he juts his head forward as his palms turn up. He has no idea what I am doing, and for some reason, that makes me laugh.
He walks over and opens the door to the car. “Lo, you’re late.”
I can’t help laughing harder.
“I sure am.”
He sighs and squats down. “You’re home now.”
The concern in his expression somehow begs me to calm down. I don’t want him to think I’m regressing, because I’m not.
“We’re home,” I say, taking his face in my hands and kissing him.
“Mm . . .” he moans, leaning in and taking control of the kiss just like I need, want, and desire.
After a few moments, I pull back and rub my thumb up his jaw. “I am late. Very, very, very late, and until today, I didn’t realize just how late.”
He looks at me curiously, and I smile and nod.
“I threw up—”
He immediately brings his hand to my forehead. “You should be resting.”
“I threw up, and then realized how late I am.”
He shakes his head, clearly not understanding what I’m saying.
I take his hand and hold it to my stomach. “I am late.”
“Let’s get you inside. I’ll make you some soup and—”
“No, Jason.” I reach over and grab the bag sitting in the seat next to me then hand it to him. “A gift . . . of sorts.”
He opens it immediately, needing answers. My love is not all that patient. That is surely about to change.
He pulls out the long, narrow, rectangular plastic stick and looks at it. “Is this . . . ?”
“Yes.” I wrap my arms around him and hug him.
“Lo,” he sighs. “We’re going to have—”
“A baby.” I pull back, wanting to see his reaction.
His face is blank before he swallows hard. For a moment, I second-guess myself. He may need more time to get used to the idea.
When he closes his eyes tightly, a tear falls then another and another. I kiss them away.
He pulls me out of the car and holds me securely against him.
“You’re happy,” I tell him. “You’re going to be such a good father, Jason.”
My feet leave the ground as he spins me in a circle, laughing like I was minutes ago.
My feet hit the ground, and he grabs each side of my face.
“Angel.” He gets choked up again and kisses me gently, softly, lovingly, and then sighs. “I’m going to be the best father in the universe.”
“I know you are.”
“I—” He clears his throat and smiles. “I want a dozen.”
I smile back. “Let’s start with one.”
“I’m serious, Lo. We’re going to have so many kids. We’re gonna show them what home is, what love is.”
I nod. “Yes, we are.”
“Nobody loves like we do, Lo. Nobody.”
“I love our love.”
“There’s no deeper out there.”
I lean in to kiss him, but he leans back. “Is there a chance two may be in there?” He puts his hand on my belly and kneels down in front of me, inching my scrub top up.
I giggle as he looks at my stomach, no doubt wishing he had X-ray vision.
“There is a possibility, but—”
“I think I see two,” he says before kissing my tummy, making me squirm. “Hold still.” He leans back on his heels and shakes his head. “Hey, it’s your father. I don’t know you yet, but I love you so damn much.” A tear falls as he leans his head against my tummy. “Your mom and I have broken free of the chains that held us. We are stronger than ever because we stand together, so strong. I am the man I have always wanted to be because of her. I am going to be an even better man for you.”
Tears fall freely down my face as he looks up. “We’re their home, angel.”
I nod as he stands and hugs me. “I love you so much, Jason.”
“I know, Lo. I love you as much.” He holds me tight, and I know without a doubt that our life will continue getting better and better every day.
The End
Something Special
Bonus Scene
The Longest Fight
Hair damp and sticking to her blotchy skin, she’s finally resting.
My Lo, is a beautiful mess.
She fought so damn hard, harder than I ever have in my life. Harder than I ever did in the ring, on the streets, against my father or against my own demons.
Looking down at her long eye lashes fanning across her face, I still —after all this time— see an angel who’s circumstance caused her to fight demons who did not overcome her. Instead, of letting them do so, she
Cupping the back of our boys head —a surprise, we didn’t want to find out, and were sure was going to be a girl — and holding him tight to my chest, I lean over and push her hair away from her face before kissing her cheek rosy cheeks softly, not wanting to wake her.