Page 73 of Moon Spell
“It is.” Red crawled across Ashwood’s cheeks. “Pleased to meet you.”
Galen smirked. “You stole him away in the middle of the night without clothing?”
Ashwood grinned. “Not exactly.”
Bellamy chuckled at their teasing, but he knew Galen was sure to demand details soon enough.
“But you are well?” Azriel inquired, ever the caretaker. “Healed?”
Bellamy tangled his fingers with Ashwood’s. “I am. And here in the flesh. Literally.”
Galen laughed, and it was infectious.
“Come then, and get cleaned up.” Azriel motioned toward their cottage, where the door stood open. “I’m expected at the apothecary, but Mr. Browning will forgive my tardiness if it means helping friends.”
They averted their eyes as Bellamy and Ashwood stepped onto the pathway and walked inside the cottage.
“There’s no need to be modest,” Bellamy said. “We’ve all seen enough of each other.”
“Speak for yourself,” Ashwood replied, and Azriel snickered.
Once they were provided a basin of water and fresh clothing, Galen and Azriel stepped outside to allow them the privacy to wash and dress at their leisure.
Bellamy would admit that as incredible as it’d been to freely traipse through the forest with Ashwood for much of the previous day and night, it did feel refreshing to be properly washed and dressed.
Ashwood sighed as he slipped into a clean pair of breeches, so he obviously felt the same. Safe and warm. With trusted friends.
Except, what would they say if they knew about their truest natures? But Oscar seemed to accept it well enough, the twins too, so perhaps he worried needlessly.
“Well, aren’t you a sight for sore eyes?” Galen said, pulling Bellamy into a hug when they stepped outside into the warm sun. The scenery was quite lovely in Solar’s Edge, and he could see why they’d be happy here.
“As are you,” he replied, then properly introduced the pair to Ashwood. Ashwood was gracious, charming them at once with his soft demeanor and lovely smile.
“I must be off to the apothecary,” Azriel said. “Perhaps Galen can show you about the village, and then you’ll join us for dinner?”
“Will you stay the night?” Galen’s voice brimmed with excitement.
Bellamy glanced at Ashwood to be sure he approved, then said, “We’d love to.”
It would also give them a chance to catch their breath and make some plans, other than running through the countryside and stopping only long enough to sleep and fuck—though his skin prickled pleasurably at the very thought.
They watched as Azriel walked toward the path to the village, waving once more over his shoulder. Galen sighed as Azriel’s head bobbed out of sight.
Hope and affection blossomed in Bellamy’s chest that he and Ashwood might have the same someday. “You look deliriously happy.”
Galen dipped his head. “We are.”
“And I’m glad to hear it,” he replied, sending Ashwood a secret smile.
“Come,” Galen said, turning toward the cottage. “Allow me to offer you refreshments.”
Galen first showed them about the cottage, pointing out the potted plants on windowsills as well as Azriel’s experimental salves and liniments that apparently made him rather popular in the village.
“You’ve been busy,” Bellamy said as Ashwood admired Galen’s newest art pieces that lined the walls and overflowed into a corner of the sitting room.
They ate breakfast, and then Galen walked them through the village, which was charming yet unassuming. Bellamy was enamored with it, and he thought Ashwood was too. They visited the apothecary, met Mr. Browning, and then rested on a bench outside the bakery, devouring delicious tea cakes while Galen asked after the lads at the apothecary.
Upon their return, they walked through the expansive greenery surrounding the cottage. “Did you inherit all this land?” Bellamy asked.
Galen’s cheeks dotted pink. “We did. I’m not certain where Mr. Blackburn’s property ends and the next begins, but we would’ve been content with even a quarter of it. It still doesn’t seem…real.”
Bellamy leaned closer. “But you’re still worthy of it. No matter what your upbringing was. You will be wonderful custodians of it.”
Galen dipped his head. “I suppose you’re right.”
When Bellamy pointed out wildflowers Ashwood could press into a new book, Ashwood said, “As soon as we find someplace to call home.”
“Perhaps we might consider Solar’s Edge for the time being?” Bellamy asked, hopeful. He didn’t feel ready to move on yet. It felt comfortable here, at least for now.
Galen beamed. “I would heartily approve.”
That evening, Galen, who had become quite the cook, served them a delicious meal while they visited with Azriel, who’d returned from the apothecary with interesting tales about the townsfolk.
When Galen told Azriel they might consider staying in Solar’s Edge for a spell, he also seemed keen on the idea.
“I hope I’m not being too presumptuous in asking,” Azriel said around a bite of homemade bread, “but is there a reason you won’t be returning to Lunar’s Reach?”
Bellamy took a deep breath, knowing it was time to explain some things. After all, their visit to Solar’s Edge had been unexpected. Especially the way they’d arrived.