Page 127 of Sweet Dandelion
As hard as I’m trying, he’s Lachlan to me.
I pushed him away today out of self-preservation, but I still feel like an asshole. I could’ve been nicer, he was only trying to help me and get me to talk, but I needed him to hurt as much as I was.
The hot water cascades around me, quickly pruning my fingers. As much as I want to stay in here for an hour, I know that’s not the best idea. I reach for my peach scented shampoo, squirting some in my hand before lathering it into my hair. It isn’t long before the suds are swirling down the drain and I’m conditioning my hair. While the conditioner is sitting on my hair, I grab my yellow loofah and slather it with my body wash. I thoroughly scrub every inch of my body, trying to wash away the icky feeling of today, but it doesn’t take me long to realize nothing is going to do the trick.
Rinsing my hair and body, I step out, wrapping a fluffy towel around me.
My wet skin and hair drips onto the rug in front of the sink, but I’m the only one who uses this bathroom so it won’t matter if it gets damp.
Wiping the condensation from the mirror I lean forward, poking at the skin beneath my eyes and my cheeks. I look exhausted and I know the combination of today’s news with my already little sleep has done a number on me. If I’m lucky I might doze off before Sage gets home.
I blow my hair dry a little bit so it won’t be dripping wet down my back and change into the clothes I brought in here with me. Stifling a yawn, I grab the laundry basket and carry it to the small laundry room offset from the kitchen. I load up my clothes and start the cycle, moving Sage’s clothes from the dryer to a basket, setting it in his room.
It’s a while later when there’s a knock on the door.
I exhale a weighted sigh, wondering who it could be. We never have visitors unless the deliveryman counts, and I didn’t order any food.
Standing on my tiptoes, I peer through the peephole, a small gasp emitting from my lips when I see Lachlan on the other side.
Coming down flat on my feet I nibble my bottom lip as he knocks yet again.
Placing my palm flat on the door, I steady myself and open it.
He clears his throat awkwardly. “I … is your brother here?” He points inside. “I wanted to check on you after today.”
“He’s not, but what if he was? You shouldn’t be here,” I hiss, glancing in the hall like Sage might magically appear.
He runs his fingers through his hair in an agitated gesture. “I wanted to see if you were okay.”
“How do you even know this is where I live?” He’s never been to my apartment before, so there’s no way he’d know.
“I asked downstairs.”
“And they told you?” I arch a brow, still standing in between the door and wall, blocking his entry.
I harrumph. “Security is pretty lax then, huh?”
He blows out a breath. “Dani, please, I’m not here to argue with you or make myself look like an even bigger ass. I wanted to see you and ask how you are. That’s all.” He looks me over and I shake my head.
Pushing the door open wider, I silently invite him in. “Sage won’t be back for a couple more hours I suspect, but you have five minutes. I want to have some popcorn and take a nap.”
Crossing my arms over my chest I give him a challenging look while he’s busy taking the apartment in.
“Five minutes is enough.” He finally lowers his head and blinks at me. My hair is in a messy bun on top of my head, my sweatpants are loose and baggy, an old pair of Sage’s when he was my age, and my t-shirt is loose but it’s obvious I’m not wearing a bra.
“Do you want popcorn?” I ask, because I might as well try to be polite.
I don’t even know why I’m angry at him—no, not even angry, just irritated.
“I’m good.”
“Suit yourself.”
I open the cabinet, standing on my tiptoes to reach the red box, but then Lachlan is there suddenly, his body large and warm behind me. He places a hand on my hip, stretching up and grabbing the box easily. He steps away, holding it out to me.