Page 134 of Sweet Dandelion
Bumping my hip against the refrigerator door, it closes. Sage lets out a chuckle when I round the corner, shaking his head. “D, you’re going to have to lay off the soda or I’m going to have to run down to the convenience store and get some more.”
I brighten. “Could you? I only have one left.”
He sighs, narrowing his lips, but ends up breaking into a smile. “Sure, I wouldn’t mind getting some snacks and food. We need enough to get us through the next two days with so much closed.”
“You have a point,” I agree, tipping the can in his direction.
Padding into my room, I hear him stir, mumbling about where his wallet is.
Sitting on my bed once again, I cross my legs beneath my body. My phone lights up from beneath the blanket and I have to dig to locate it.
When I do I’m more than a little surprised to find Lachlan’s name staring back at me. We haven’t had any communication since the day he showed up here.
Lachlan: What are you doing?
Me: Nothing. Why?
Lachlan: Any chance you can come up?
Nibbling on my bottom lip I hear Sage putting on his coat. “I’ll be back in a little while,” he calls out, the door closing behind him.
I hesitate for a second more before I respond.
Me: Be there in a few.
Hopping out of my bed, I leave the unopened can of soda on the nightstand. Looking down at my pajamas I know changing is a must. I yank on a pair of jeans and an old Led Zeppelin shirt I got from a thrift store with Lachlan in mind. Running a brush through my tangled tresses, I slip my feet into my sneakers, leave a quick note for Sage about being at Taylor’s for a few in case he comes back sooner than I expect, and dash out the door but not before I run back to grab the wrapped gift for him I hid in my desk drawer.
Once again I don’t bother waiting for the elevator, choosing to take the stairs instead. I wish I could wipe the stupid giddy look off my face. It shouldn’t make me this ridiculously happy to see him. But no matter how hard I try, Lachlan is always more than just my guidance counselor.
Reaching his door, I take a second to catch my breath before I knock.
It swings open barely a second later like he was waiting for me.
The wide white smile on his face makes me think he’s as giddy as I am. It’s not quite a week apart, but we act as if it has been months since we’ve seen one another.
I tell myself I shouldn’t do it, but it doesn’t matter since I’m not good at listening to myself anyway, and the next thing I know my arms are wrapped around his neck and I’m hugging him like my life depends on it.
He buries his face into my neck, inhaling my scent. I would even swear he murmurs, “Finally,” softly under his breath, but he’s pulling me inside so fast, letting the door swing closed that I can’t be sure.
Releasing me, he steps back with a clearing of his throat. “How have you been?”
“Okay,” I reply with a smile when Zeppelin runs toward me, his tail wagging so quickly he nearly knocks over a lamp. I bend down, rubbing the monster’s cheeks, letting him lick me. “I missed you too, buddy.”
Standing back up, Lachlan points at me in surprise. Well, not me specifically, but what I wear. “Nice shirt.”
“Yeah, some old ass man seems to like them so I decided to check them out. They’re not bad.”
Something flashes on his face and I wish I could take my words back. I meant it in a joking way, but I know the last thing he needs is a reminder of the age difference between us.
“Do you want anything to drink?” he asks, rubbing his stubbled jaw.
“I made cookies too.”
“Cookies?” I raise a brow. “I might be tempted by some cookies. What kind?”