Page 196 of Sweet Dandelion
After the shooting and all the months in the hospital I didn’t want to finish school, or at least only get my GED, but Sage had insisted I complete my senior year and I’m glad he pushed me to do it.
Walking across that stage and getting my diploma will make it worth it.
The school parking lot is packed, so Sage drops me off so he can go park.
After a few texts I meet up with Sasha.
“Ugh, there you are, girl.” She throws her arm around my shoulder, swaying back and forth. “Can you believe it? We did it!” A few heads turn at her shrill shriek. “We’re like adult-adults now. Actual members of society. Shit, does this mean we have to pay taxes now?”
I laugh, shaking my head as I spot Ansel a ways down talking to Seth.
Something inside me stirs when I see him. It’s nothing like what I feel for Lachlan, even still, but I do know it means I’m happy to see him.
Sasha and I head over to the boys, Ansel’s hair is curling out from under his cap. Stretching up, I kiss his cheek and he grins.
“What was that for?”
“Because I wanted to.”
“Bleh,” Sasha pretends to gag. “Get a room.”
I roll my eyes at her.
Suddenly, three teachers appear, rounding us up into alphabetical order. We practiced yesterday, so I already know the classmates I should be near and go in search of them to speed up the process.
Once we’re in line, they go over a few rules and things that have already been mentioned, and then it’s time.
They lead us outside onto the football field, the June sun beating down on us, but I revel in the warmth. It’s like a blanket, draping over my shoulders and comforting me, reminding me that no matter what it’s going to be okay.
Row after row of chairs are filled and once every student is seated, the speeches begin. It takes a solid hour before Mr. Gordon begins calling out names.
When Ansel’s name is called, I cheer, along with his family in the stands.
Soon it’s my turn, as the row I sit in stands, heading for the stage.
Tears prick my eyes and I do my best to keep my emotions in check.
Looking up at the sky, I say a silent prayer, hoping my mom’s watching and smiling down at me. I want her to be proud of me, even if I haven’t made some of the best choices this year, though I can’t bring myself to regret them.
“Dandelion Meadows.”
Sage screams from the stands, standing up and clapping his hands. “That’s my sister!”
My cheeks flame with embarrassment. Mr. Gordon hands me my diploma with a proud smile. “Good luck, kiddo.”
“Thank you,” I whisper to the kind man.
Stepping off the stage, the school board official who is waiting smiles and says congratulations, moving my tassel to the other side.
Striding to the grass I return to my seat, remaining standing until the row is filled back in and we can sit down once more.
I watch Seth and Sasha get their diplomas, cheering for both even though Seth looks like he couldn’t care less. Sasha skips across the stage, a wild ball of energy. I can’t help but laugh. She’s crazy, but I love that girl.
As soon as everyone’s seated, Mr. Gordon says a few more words, and t
hen the next thing I know we’re tossing our caps in the air.
I did it. I fucking did it.