Page 198 of Sweet Dandelion
“I’m full.” I press a hand to my stomach. “I don’t think I could take another bite.”
“Come on,” he encourages. “I’ll get one too.”
With a sigh, I reach for the menu, scanning the desserts. Once I pick one I give it to Sage so he can choose too. When the waiter returns we place our orders for a chocolate cake for him and a tiramisu for me.
It isn’t long before the desserts are placed in front of us and even though I’m full my mouth waters at the sight.
Before I can take a bite, Sage pulls an envelope out of his pocket, sliding it across the table.
“What’s this for?” I pick up the long white envelope, testing the weight in my hands.
“It’s your graduation gift.” He shrugs like it’s no big deal, clearing his throat. “Open it.”
I smile, secretly delighted by the prospect of a gift. I open it, my mouth parting when the plane ticket slides out. I read over it, seeing that it departs in two days for London.
I look from the ticket to my brother with shock. “Sage.”
He leans over the table. “I might not want you to go, but I understand, and I want you to know I support you. You can start your adventure there and then go wherever you want.”
“Thank you.” I grasp the ticket tightly, this tiny piece of paper holding all the promise of adventure and discovery.
“Spread your wings, Weed, that way you can come back and lay down some roots.”
I get up, moving around the table to hug my brother. I inhale his familiar and comforting scent. The smell of home. Somehow, I know, that everything is going to be okay.
Packing my bags is surreal.
I’m really doing this. I’m leaving for I don’t know how long.
I fold my clothes as small as I possibly can, not wanting to take up too much room. My t-shirts slide neatly into one side of the suitcase, all rolled up tightly. Next I add in the three pairs of jeans and two shorts I decided to bring as well as one dress. I stuff three shoe options on the other end, leaving room for underwear and toiletries. I pick up my clear toiletry bag I packed after my shower, setting it inside gently. Turning to my dresser, I go to grab a handful of underwear, my breath catching when I spot the letter I stuffed beneath at the beginning of May when Lachlan left me.
A month, more than a month actually, since he left.
Anger rages through me once more and I grab the letter, throwing it in my waste bin.
As soon as it lands inside though a wave of instant regret hits me.
Heart racing I pick it out, holding it between my hands. I bite my lip, debating on putting it back in my dresser or … or I could read it, but I’m not ready. I’m not ready to read his words of regret over what we did. I don’t want to have him tell me he doesn’t love me. I hesitate a moment longer and end up stuffing the letter into my luggage, afraid if I leave it behind Sage might find it, but that’s an excuse. I know Sage would never go through my drawers.
With the letter tucked away I add my underwear and bras inside before zipping it closed.
I wheel it to the door so it’s ready to go when Sage drops me off at the airport. Sage watches from the couch, unable to hide the sadness from his eyes.
I hate leaving him, but I need to do this, and I’m glad he understands that.
“You’re really leaving me?”
I push my hair out of my eyes where it’s come loose from the braid I put it in earlier. “Yeah, I guess I am.” I plop onto the couch beside him. “Gonna miss me, big bro?”
“More than you know.”
I reach for his hand, squeezing it. “I’m going to miss you.”
“You have to go,” he says, tears filling his eyes. “I don’t want you to, but I know you have to. You’re going to come back so much stronger.”
“I hope so.”
“I know so.”