Page 21 of Sweet Dandelion
“You’re all I have left in this world, D. We have to stick together.”
I hold on tighter to him.
He releases me from the hug, but keeps a hold on my shoulders. He doesn’t say anything, only stares at me like he’s trying to memorize my features.
Finally, he lets go and takes a step back, clearing his throat.
“Let’s uh eat then.”
He grabs waters from the fridge and we sit on the floor in front of the coffee table.
“Want to put a movie on?” I ask him, opening the tops on the to-go boxes.
“Sure. Pick whatever you want.”
He hands me the remote and I scroll through the options On Demand.
“Twilight!” He cries indignantly. “You’re still pissed aren’t you?”
I drop the remote in my lap. “I happen to love these movies even if I’ve never read the books.”
He blows out a breath and pulls one of the boxes closer to him, digging into the steaming contents. “The whole first movie is blue he grumbles.”
“It’s supposed to look dreary and rainy,” I defend, taking a bite of food.
I feel his eyes on me as the movie begins with Bella’s opening monologue.
“I can’t believe I already had to sit through these years ago when you were like twelve, but now? I’m wounded.”
“You said I could choose.” I point my fork at him in reminder.
He frowns. “Yeah, you’re right. I’ll be quiet.”
I doubt he will, but I appreciate the gesture. I wanted to put a comfort movie on and this franchise reminds me of better, happier times.
When the movie is halfway finished Sage packs up the leftover food and puts it away. I move onto the couch, curling under a blanket, and I’m more than a little surprised when Sage joins me, sitting down on the opposite end.
I sit up, fighting a grin. “Wait, are you willingly watching the rest of Twilight with me?”
He rolls his eyes and huffs out a breath before crossing his arms defensively. “I’m invested now.”
“But you’ve seen it before.”
“Shut up,” he grumbles good-naturedly.
I lay back down, burrowing under the blanket.
When the movie is over I start the next one and Sage doesn’t make any move to leave.
We watch all of the second one before deciding to head to bed. It’s after midnight, but I’m not all that sleepy. I pretend I am anyway.
We head to our separate bedrooms but Sage stops me before I can go in mine.
“Yeah?” I blink up at him.
He presses his lips together and swallows. “We have to stick together, Weed.”
I squeeze his hand. “Always, Herb.”