Page 237 of Sweet Dandelion
“I know how that goes,” I sigh.
“Still can’t believe you banged the guidance counselor.”
“Oh, ew, please don’t say it like that. That’s gross.”
“Did you guys ever have sex at school?”
“No!” I blurt out. “God, no. That’s … no.”
She smiles at me, her eyes bright and happy. “Sorry, I was curious so I had to ask.”
“Are things good with you and Sage?”
Even though I’ve been around them since I made my announcement that I was home, I
haven’t had any opportunities to speak to Sasha one on one.
“They’re really good. He gets me, that sounds so cliché but it’s true.”
“I like seeing him happy—both of you happy.”
“You’re not mad about it, right? I’m so sorry you found out like you did. I know we aren’t as close as you and Ansel, but we’re still friends. I hated keeping it a secret from you, but Sage wanted to be the one to tell you and he kept putting it off.”
“I mean, it’s a little weird.” I feel the need to be honest. “But no, I’m not mad. Sage deserves to be happy and you do too. I’m glad you found each other like…”
“Like you and Lachlan?” She finishes for me with a kind smile.
Sasha is a lot calmer now than she used to be, almost motherly in some ways.
“Yeah.” I rub my hands on my jeans. “I love him so much sometimes it scares me.”
“Love is scary. I think that’s why so many people are afraid of it. But it’s worth it.”
We hear a commotion then and turn to see the two men climbing the stairs, talking like old buddies. Sage still has some tension around his eyes and mouth, and I can tell from the set of Lachlan’s shoulders that he’s not totally relaxed, but it’s better than them pushing and screaming at each other. Not that I would expect Lachlan to do that sort of thing, but Sage? Most definitely.
Sasha stands up, almost gliding over to my brother’s side. Over her shoulder she tosses me a wink before taking his hand and pulling him to a painting down the way she tells him he has to see, despite the fact she’s never seen it herself as far as I know.
Lachlan walks over to me, sitting down on the bench and stretching his long legs out.
“How’d it go?” I hate that I’m scared to ask, but I have to know.
Lachlan angles his head down to me, his eyes void of any joking light but he doesn’t seem pissed either. “Not bad. We had a good chat.”
“A good chat?” I repeat, wrinkling my nose. “What does that mean?”
“It means I let him talk and I listened and then I talked and he listened.”
I narrow my eyes. “You’re not going to give me any details, are you?”
“Nope.” He stands up, holding his hand out. I take it, but when he tries to lead me away, I hold my ground.
“I need more than that, Lachlan.”
He runs his fingers through his hair before rubbing his jaw. “It wasn’t bad, okay, but I’m never going to be your brother’s first choice for you. Are you okay with that?”
I look from Lachlan down to the end of the room where Sage stands with Sasha looking at another painting. “I am.” My answer is sure. I don’t have any doubts. “But are you okay with that?” I counter, because I know it has to bother him.
“You’re what matters to me most, Dani.”