Page 60 of Sweet Dandelion
“Now? It’s like ten o’ clock.”
“Yes, now.” I close the door behind me, letting it shut a little too loudly.
I take the stairs up to Lachlan’s floor, too impatient to wait for the elevator. Banging my fist against his door, I wait for him to answer.
Zeppelin barks loudly and incessantly. I hear Lachlan shush him seconds before the door swings open.
“Dani?” He blurts in surprise, not expecting me to show up back at his place so late. I push my way inside and he lets the door close, turning around to face me. “What’s wrong? Are you okay?”
His genuine concern surprises me. “I finished it.” I hold the five hundred plus page tome out to him. “That ending … you’re cruel. I need the next one. Like, right now.”
He laughs, his throat flexing as he does. “You finished already, huh?”
“It’s amazing,” I gush, clutching the book to my chest. “I couldn’t put it down. But seriously, Lachlan, I need to know what happens next.” Narrowing my eyes on him, I ignore Zeppelin sniffing at my clothes for the moment.
His grin brightens his face. Slowly coming out of my haze over the unexpected ending, I realize that he’s not wearing a shirt, and only a pair of very loose, low hanging cotton shorts, and a navy blue baseball cap turned around backwards.
My throat tightens and I realize I shouldn’t be looking at him like … like I have some sort of crush or find him attractive. He’s the last person I should ever be attracted to. He’s eleven years older than me, he works for the school, he’s my counselor for God’s sake.
“What’s wrong?” His smile slips a tiny bit.
“N-Nothing,” I stutter, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear.
“You loved the book then?”
“Way more than the other two,” I admit, biting my lip. “Those were kind of serious and this had more action and romance. Who doesn’t love a little kissing?”
He chuckles, scratching the dark stubble on his chin. “I love your honesty.”
I stand there, rocking awkwardly on my feet. I look down only to realize I’ve worn Sage’s massive slippers. Zeppelin nudges his nose against my leg, demanding attention.
“So, yeah,” I ramble, “could I borrow the next one?”
I crouch down and pet Zeppelin. He showers me with kisses and I can’t help but laugh because it tickles.
Lachlan watches us. I try to ignore the way his gaze feels on me, but it’s impossible.
I like him looking.
Sure, it’s innocent, but my brain doesn’t want to accept that.
“I’ll get the next two for you.” He steps around me and Zeppelin. I watch him disappear down the hall to his bedroom.
The dog nudges me with his nose. “Sorry,” I laugh, petting him again.
Lachlan isn’t gone a minute before he returns with the next two in the series, setting them on the counter. “It’s a seven book series. If you happen to finish both before Monday text me and I can drop them by.” My face pales and he chuckles. “Or you can come get them.”
“Um, sure. That’d be great.” I stand up much to Zeppelin’s dismay. He whimpers, pawing at the ground. “I don’t have your number, though.”
He walks into his kitchen and swipes his phone off the counter. He passes it to me. “Put your number in. I’ll send you a text so you have mine.”
He looks at ease, like my presence doesn’t affect him at all. It makes me question if maybe I imagined the whole thing yesterday where we shared a look. I put my name and phone number in, handing him back his phone.
“Thanks, Lachlan.” He passes me the books and I look down at the covers, letting my hair fall forward to hide my face. “I … you don’t know what it has meant to me to be able to get lost in someone else’s world for a little while.”
The very tip of his finger touches my chin, urging me to lift my head. As soon as I do, he drops his hand. “I’m happy it’s been able to help you, Dani.”
“I hated reading before.” I glide my finger over the raised parts on the hardcover book. “Now it’s not so bad.” I give Zeppelin one last pat on the head. “I’m sorry for bothering you.”