Page 84 of Sweet Dandelion
I pull out my phone, sending him a text.
Me: What do you want for dinner?
He doesn’t text back right away, so I sit down on the couch, turning on the TV.
Sage: Food.
I roll my eyes.
Me: Smartass.
Sage: Anything is fine.
I exhale a deep sigh, laying the phone on the couch beside me.
When I start to twiddle my thumbs after an episode of NCIS I decide enough is enough.
Me: Since I’m grounded, does that mean I can’t leave to go to the library you told me about?
Again, I have to wait for a response since he’s busy working.
Sage: That’s fine. There’s money in the kitchen drawer if you want to get a library card. But DON’T do anything else.
Me: Thanks. I won’t.
With a groan, I get off the couch, shrug into a coat and put some shoes on.
I’m not sure where the library is, but with a quick Google search I get directions. A short ten-minute walk later I enter through the massive double doors. My head swings back, my mouth dropping open as I take in the elegant marble tiling and rich wood. It’s elegant, but also somehow cozy, but I guess that’s largely thanks to the rows and rows of mahogany shelves and leather chairs dotted through the space.
The first thing I do when walking in is sign up for a library card. As much as I would love to keep borrowing Lachlan’s books, after our kiss I don’t want to push my luck.
The cheery librarian, a woman probably no more than thirty, passes me a freshly laminated card. “Do you need help finding anything in specific?”
I shake my head. “No, thank you. I want to browse.”
“That’s fine.” She flashes yet another smile and I head off, moving through the shelves, scanning the different sections.
Brushing my fingers over the spines, I can’t help but smile to myself because I never would’ve imagined I’d end up loving to read like I have. I guess it took the right book, or maybe it took Lachlan.
I let out a hollow sigh, hating that my thoughts constantly want to trail to him as of late.
I manage to kill an hour of time, checking out with two books.
Heading back to the condo, the chill sears through my body despite my layers. I hope one day I live somewhere warm. I might like to look at the snow, but the cold is too much for me.
I flash a smile at Denny, the doorman, and hurry inside the warmth of the building. Rushing over to the elevators, I come to a dead stop when I spot Lachlan waiting for them.
As if he can sense my eyes on him, he turns. He starts to look away but does a double take.
I don’t miss the way his jaw ticks, eyes narrowed.
He’s spotted me, so there’s no point trying to hide. I walk over to him, standing beside him as we wait for the elevator. Zeppelin isn’t with him and I can’t help wondering if he’s just got home.
Doors of one the elevators glide open and we wait for a family to get out. Lachlan puts his arm out, keeping the doors from closing, and motions me in first.
I do, standing in the corner holding the books tight against my chest.
“Which floor?” He voices, his back to me. It’s impossible to miss the tension in his shoulders.