Page 125 of Bring Me Back
He stands near the window that overlooks the street below, swaying back and forth. Ava makes a little noise that means she’s happy and I smile, leaning my hip against the doorjamb.
It makes me happy to see the two loves of my life together.
Ryder turns then, murmuring something to Ava, and looks up to find me.
“Oh, hey.” He smiles, rocking her in his arms. “Someone woke up and needed a diaper change, just like you said.”
“She likes you,” I comment.
He chuckles and looks at her. “Everyone likes me. I’m irresistible.”
I roll my eyes and then bite my lip in thought. “Do you … Do you think Angela and Ben would be happy for us?”
He nods. “Yes,” he answers without a second of thought.
“How do you know?” I step further into the room.
“Because we’d be happy for them if the situation was reversed.”
I nod, smiling softly. “You’re right. You’re always right.”
“I know.” He winks.
I come to stand beside him and lay my head on his shoulder, gazing down at Ava in his arms. “We should get ready for our walk.”
He nods. “You’re right.” He hands Ava to me. “I’ll carry the stroller downstairs and you can meet me down there with the kids.”
While Ryder wrangles the beast—that’s what I call the stroller—out the door, I grab Ava’s diaper bag and sling it across my shoulder.
I find Cole still quietly occupied by his show. “You ready to go for a walk?” I ask him. He tears his gaze away from the TV and nods eagerly. I grab my keys and hold my finger out for Cole to grab onto. I close the door behind us and lock it, giving Cole my finger again. With a squirming baby and a toddler to manage it takes me a little while to get downstairs and outside.
We burst outside to see Ryder just finishing with the stroller.
“I forgot how difficult these can be.” He stood back to appraise his handiwork. “But I got it done.”
I set Ava inside and she makes a happy cooing sound. I adjust the brim so that the sun’s not in her eyes. I smile down at her and I swear she smiles back, but it’s more likely gas, but I can dream.
Ryder lifts Cole onto his shoulders and the little boy giggles. “Do you like it up there?” I ask him, slipping on my sunglass.
“Yes!” he cries, tugging on Ryder’s hair.
“Coley, don’t do that,” Ryder scolds, holding on tight to Cole in one hand and reaching up to pry his hair from his grasp with the other.
Once we’re all situated, we begin our walk. I’ve discovered living in an apartment in the downtown area has its perks. I’m close to several coffee shops and restaurants, a convenience store, and even some clothing shops. It’s nice to be able to get out and have so much within walking distance.
The late summer sun blazes down on us, but there’s a slight wind to keep us cool.
“This is nice,” Ryder says.
Ava lets out a noise and I laugh. “I think she agrees with you. Don’t you?” I say in my overly high-pitched baby talking voice.
That voice has taken over my life.
We walk around without much of an agenda but we end up at the park. Ryder sets Cole down so he can go play on the jungle gym while the two of us take a seat on the bench. I grab Ava from the stroller and she wiggles in my arms.
Ryder stretches one arm behind me, his fingers grazing my shoulder.
“We’ve come a long way, haven’t we?” he asks, shielding his face from the sun.