Page 44 of Bring Me Back
“Blaire?” she responds. “It’s nice to meet you.”
I stand and offer her my hand. She gives it a quick shake and lets go.
“Have you checked out the space yet?” she inquires.
I shake my head. “I was waiting for you.”
“Do you know which way it is?” she asks.
I frown. I should’ve asked the receptionist that before Jessica arrived. In fact, that’s what I normally would’ve done. My brain isn’t working right.
“No, sorry. Let me ask. Wait here.” I leave her by the couches and go to ask. Once I have directions, I lead her through the hotel the event room.
The room boasts large, glass, double doors that are tinted so you can’t see inside. I open the door and motion her in first.
The space is large and currently empty since they don’t have any events happening today. One wall is lined with windows while the others are solid. Three modern chandeliers hang from the ceiling.
“We could hang some draperies around the windows,” I say. “To soften it,” I add.
“I think this space will be perfect. It’s large enough to section space off into rooms, right?” she asks.
“Yes.” I nod. “We can do that.”
“I think this will be perfect for the reception.” She smiles and looks around some more. “You don’t plan weddings too, do you?”
I flinch, but she doesn’t notice. “It’s not really my thing,” I say. “I prefer parties.”
“I understand,” she nods. “I think my wedding planner was disappointed I didn’t use her for the reception, but I love your style.” She shrugs. “I’ll admit to stalking your website.”
I laugh. “Well, I’m glad I could help make your day special. We’ll get the place booked and then we can meet again to discuss your ideas. Or you can email me, whichever is easier.”
“I think I’d prefer to meet. Lunch next Friday?” she asks.
“I’ll check my schedule, but that should be perfect.” I pull my planner from my purse and check the date. “Yes, that’s fine. I’m writing you in now. You can email me where you want to meet.”
She smiles. “Great, I’ll see you then. I hate to run out, but I’m missing work for this so I have to go.”
“Oh, of course.” I wave my hand. “Go on, I’ll take care of this.”
“Thanks so much.” She smiles gratefully and leaves.
I walk around the space, taking measurements and allowing myself to visualize what can be done with the space. Unfortunately, I’m not getting many ideas like I normally would. It’s like I’m all tapped out.
I head to the front desk and let them know when we need the space. I give them Jessica’s contact information so they can get ahold of her for the deposit and then I leave to head home.
I’m exhausted by the time I walk through the door and it’s not like I did anything. I hate feeling like this—like I’m walking through sludge.
“Hey, sweetie,” my mom says before I can close the door.
“Hey,” I reply, kicking off my heels and shrugging out of my coat. I drop my coat on the chair instead of hanging it up and putting it away in the closet.
“How’d it go?” she asks.
“Good?” She raises a brow from where she sits on the couch in the front room. “That’s all I get?”
“We saw the space, she decided to book it, and left because she had to get to work. There isn’t much to tell, Mom.” I collapse on the chair in front of her.