Page 90 of Bring Me Back
He must feel me staring because he turns slightly away from the guy he’s speaking to and looks toward the deck where I stand.
Our eyes connect and I feel butterflies fill my stomach. A part of me wants to believe that what I feel is simply the baby moving, but no, those are definitely butterflies.
He excuses himself from the guy he’s speaking to and starts towards me.
I laugh when Cole jumps from the lap of a woman—whom I’m assuming is Ryder’s mom—and bounds into Ryder’s legs. Ryder scoops up the little boy, not missing a beat, and taps him on his nose. He smiles at his son with so much love that I can’t help but think of the feeling I’ll have with my own daughter.
“Hey,” Ryder says, bounding up the steps. “I was worried you wouldn’t show.”
I start to answer him, but my mom beats me to it.
“We would’ve been here on time if this one hadn’t changed her outfit five times.” She bumps my arm with hers.
“Mom,” I hiss.
Ryder laughs. “Trying to impress me?”
My dad clears his throat. “The only person here who needs to be impressed is me.” He gives Ryder the look. The dreaded look that every father gives his daughter’s potential boyfriend.
Ryder chuckles. “I understand, sir.”
I look to the heavens. Have I been transported back in time? Am I seventeen again and this is the prom debacle with Joey Stevenson? Because it sure as hell feels like it—although, that involved my dad polishing his shotgun in the dining room and saying, “I’m watching.” Suffice to say, I was certainly still a virgin after that particular night.
“I’m hungry,” I say, and clap my hands together, trying to divert the attention.
“Food’s this way.” Ryder nods, and I gladly join him, leaving behind my parents.
“I’m so sorry about that,” I say to Ryder once we’re out of earshot.
He laughs. “It’s okay. I find it entertaining. I feel like I’m seventeen again.”
I breathe out a sigh of relief. “Oh good, so I’m not the only one who feels like they’ve been transported back in time?”
He shakes his head and his dark hair falls into his eyes. “No, definitely not.” He adjusts his hold on Cole and points. “Plates, utensils, and napkins are all right there, and the food’s obviously there. Take as much as you want. We have more burgers and hot dogs to grill.”
I grab a plate and immediately start making a burger. I’d asked about the food as a distraction, but now that I was in front of it I was hungry.
We weren’t alone for long when my mom wandered over to the table to set down the macaroni salad she made.
“So, Ryder,” she began, “what is it you do exactly?”
“I’m a teacher,” he answers.
My mom looks to me. “Wow, that’s nice. How long have you lived here?”
“In this area?”
“Yeah.” She crosses her arms over her chest. I quickly look away and continue adding food to my plate. I know nothing I do or say is going to stop the inquisition.
Ryder’s brow furrows as he thinks. “Six years.”
“Where are you originally from?”
He chuckles and sets Cole down when the boy begins to wiggle too much. I watch Cole run off to his grandma. She swoops him up into her lap.
“Bethesda,” he answers.
“Hmm,” my mom hums, “well-rounded. Why’d you move out here? This is practically the country to you.”