Page 34 of Fallen (Fallen 1)
“I’m Joseph but you can call me Seph if you want. Jonathon refuses to call me Seph,” He added.
I took his large cold stone hand in my small one. “I’m Kylie. It’s nice to finally meet you.” I said.
“Nice to meet you too Kylie. I can’t believe my little brother here met his soul mate before me!” Joseph (Seph) said jokingly. I laughed and that seemed to please him. I could tell Joseph would be easy to get along with. I hoped the rest of the family was as easy to get along with as he was.
“Alright here’s the plan,” Joseph began. “I’m going to go inside and help Patrick restrain your mom.” Joseph said to me. “Then you and Jonathon will come in. I’ll conjure up an illusion so it looks like you’re not there. The problem is I can’t hide the smell of your blood. So, you’re going to have to hurry. You got that?” asked Joseph.
“Yep.” I said, but really his words had been a blur.
“Okay, I’m going in.” As fast as lightening he was in the house.
Jonathon turned to me.
“Just ignore the way your mom acts in there. She’ll go back to normal. It’s just the blood lust is hard for her to handle. It might frighten you.” He said.
“I’ll be fine. Let’s just get this over with.”
He led me into the house.
My mom, Patrick, and Joseph were in the living room. They both had a tight grip on her. Her teeth were barred and her lips had folded back away from the teeth exposing two very sharp teeth. She looked like an animal. A growl escaped her throat. Her short hair was sticking up all over her head.
“I smell blood. Where is she? Why can’t I see her?” She growled through her teeth. She tried to pull away from them. But Joseph and Patrick’s hold was unbreakable.
We made it to my room. Jonathon closed my door and stood against it, I looked at him like he was killing a puppy.
“Just in case she gets loose of their hold.” He explained.
“Oh.” I said stupidly.
“Hurry!” He exclaimed like the house was on fire.
I grabbed a suit case and began throwing random stuff into it. Clothes, tooth brush, tooth paste, hair brush, make up, perfume, anything I could get my hands on. I zipped up my suit case, grabbed my pillow, and my raggedy teddy bear I had had since I was born.
“I’m ready.” I said.
We walked out. Jonathon had taken my suit case from me. I kept hold on my pillow and bear. It would be weird to see him carrying my teddy bear around.
Something cold and hard slammed into me. I let a scream escape my lips. I brought my pillow up to block the blow my head would have received when it hit the floor, quick thinking on my part. I guess that was the reason I had been obsessing over the stupid pillow.
“Damn it,” screamed Joseph.
“Kylie,” yelled Jonathon, so much love and worry swam in my name when it came from his lips. The weight was lifted from my body.
I heard the licking of lips and my throat burned. I couldn’t tell whether I was screaming. There was so much pain.
“I need more,” said my mom’s hard scary voice.
I reached up and touched the left side throat. My hand came away red.
“Get her out of here,” yelled Patrick. Jonathon apparently had been too frozen to move and had needed prompting. Familiar, comforting arms wrapped around me.
A cool night breeze hit my face.
“My stuff,” I mumbled.
“I’ll go back and get it. We’re taking Joseph’s car. There’s no way you can ride the vespa.”
“It’s not a car. It’s a corvette. It’s a work of art it deserves to be called by its name.” I whispered. He laughed clearly relieved I was talking about a car and not what had just happened.