Page 43 of Fallen (Fallen 1)
I handed Isaac back his notes. “Thanks.” I said. “No problem.” He replied.
I studied Isaac. He was good looking but nothing like Jonathon. He had dark brown straight hair with dark blue streaks in it. His eyes were a bright blue. He had a straight nose and good cheek bones. He had large hands and long skinny fingers. He has light skin but nothing like Jonathon’s pale. Isaac had straight teeth and a cute smile. But his smile was nothing like Jonathon’s heart stopping one. He appeared to be tall.
Looking at his light skin made me feel really tan. I’d always been considered pale back in California. But after coming here I looked really tan.
“So . . . um . . . What happened to your mom?” Isaac whispered to me. He looked nervous talking to me and he obviously didn’t feel comfortable asking such a personal question.
“She’s been depressed since my dad filed for divorce. So, she tried . . .she tried . . .to kill herself.” I whispered to him fighting back the tears I knew wanted to come.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t know.”
“Neither did I,” I mumbled. I felt like it was my fault for not recognizing the signs of her depression.
We got out the supplies for the lab. Isaac and I continued to talk. I found out he was in a band with his friends Tyson, Wayland, and Colton. We talked and laughed and it felt like we were old friends.
Isaac and I left the class room together. Jonathon was waiting for me. He was leaned against the wall his right leg angled against it. He smiled when he saw me.
“Bye.” I said to Isaac. Isaac gave Jonathon a look.
“Bye.” He said roughly. I stared after him confused. Guys could be so weird.
Jonathon grabbed my hand and we began walking.
“Who was that?” He asked.
“Isaac. I sit next to him in science. He’s my lab partner.”
“Oh. Do you like him?” He asked.
“Yeah, he seems like he could be a good friend. Wait, are you jealous? You can’t be jealous we’re meant to be together. Soul mates,” I said.
“I’m not jealous.” He grunted.
“Sure sounds like it.”
“Well, I’m not.” He said a little too defensively.
The rest of the day went by quickly. I realized I had my third period class, history, with Isaac too. I said hi to him and he looked like he was going to say something back but then he caught sight of Jonathon and closed his mouth.
The bell rang to dismiss us. I gathered my stuff and put it in my back pack. I noticed that Isaac ran out of the class room as soon as the bell sounded.
Jonathon and I walked out of the school hand in hand.
“Diana parks over here.” He said leading me away from the direction of the motorcycle.
“I expect a full fledged report on my mom when you get back.”
“I’ll have one.” He said smiling.
I could see Diana not far ahead. She was standing in front of a light blue Lexus RX. She smiled and waved at us.
“She’s so happy she has someone to shop with besides Amelia,” said Jonathon. I didn’t say anything.
We reached Diana. She was beaming and dancing on the balls of her feet. Her hands were clasped together.
“We’re going to have so much fun,” she said. Her excitement made me excited. I just was nervous about having to leave Jonathon. I hoped my mom wouldn’t hurt him.
Jonathon kissed me on the lips.