Page 49 of Fallen (Fallen 1)
“Way to over exaggerate Diana.” I mumbled.
“Thank you.” She giggled covering her mouth.
“Really Diana I don’t need any luggage. After all, where am I going to go that I’ll need to pack?”
She smiled, “You never know with us. Last Christmas we spent a month in Ireland.”
I just shook my head.
Diana strolled up to a man working in the store.
“I need a luggage set. A full set not those stinchy things you try to pull off as a set.”
“Yes, Miss Pulmer.” He said dropping what he was doing and scurrying away like a helpless mouse.
“See anything else you want?” asked Diana.
“Nope.” I said.
“Oh! I know what else you must have.” She exclaimed disappearing before I had time to protest. Um okay?
I stood awkwardly in the middle of the store. I saw Diana’s blond head bob its way to me. Diana was short only about five feet three inches and moved like a dancer.
“You must have this perfume.” She said. She sprayed a little on me.
“Do you like it?” she asked.
“Yeah.” I said sneezing. The perfume smelled really sophisticated, but young and playful at the same time.
The man returned the moment I finished sneezing.
“Miss the bags are at the front waiting for you to check out. Would you like the perfume too?”
“Yes, please.” Diana said.
“I’ll take that for you and get it boxed.”
“Thank you, Frank.” She said. He disappeared towards the front of the store.
“You know everybody.”
“Yeah I know. The wonders of photographic memory. But soon they’ll die and I’ll have a whole other set of humans to memorize.” She said sadly.
I thought about that. It had to be difficult knowing everyone you encountered would die but you wouldn’t. It would make getting close to somebody impossible.
I went and stood by the door waiting for Diana while she checked out. I still thought it was stupid of her to buy me luggage.
She came towards me carrying a small bag. She handed it to me. I looked inside, it was just the perfume. Phew, I thought maybe she had gotten some more of the ridiculously priced items.
I went out the door and was hit with a cool breeze. I wrapped my jacket around my body tighter. I looked up at the sky. It was sunset.
We walked past two stores before I stopped in my tracks. I saw the most beautiful clothing and shoes.
“Are you coming Kylie?” asked Diana turning around to see what had happened to me.
“Can we go in here?” I asked.
“Aqua? Yeah I don’t see why not.” She shrugged.