Page 57 of Fallen (Fallen 1)
“Alright you shower and get ready. I’ll go tell Amelia to wait for you and get ready myself.”
“Okay.” I said.
He let go of me and we both climbed out of bed. Jonathon was so perfect; not only was he gorgeous but he was also kind hearted among so much else. It doesn’t get better than that. I still can’t believe he’s mine. My soul mate.
I watched him as he left my room. He opened the door to the hall way. Jonathon turned back around and smiled at me before closing the door. That smile made me go weak in the knees.
I ran to the bath room and took my shower in super speed.
I jumped out and wrapped a towel around me. I walked into my room. My hair dripping droplets of water onto the ancient wood floor.
I began sifting through the bags of new clothes from Aqua.
I put on my peacock jeans, turquoise sweater and dark purple pumps. I hastily ran back to the bath room to put curl product in my hair, I could already feel it frizzing. I brushed my teeth and put on my makeup. I checked my hair. It fell around my face in soft curls. Good Enough.
I scurried back to my room nearly falling in the heels. I loved high heels but I had so much trouble walking in them due to my height.
I went through the Coach bags and grabbed the purse and wallet. I hastily switched the contents from my old purse and wallet to the new one. At the bottom of my old purse I found the key to our new house. The one my mom is now contained in like a prisoner. The house that is no longer my home. The Pulmer House is my home now. I stuck the wallet in the purse and put the purse on my shoulder, still holding the ancient, antique key in my hand.
I walked out of my room closing the door behind me. I went past the stair case heading to Diana’s room.
“Come in.” she said before I had even raised my hand to knock. This physic and abnormal hearing would take some getting used to. I pushed the door open and walked in. Diana was sitting on her bed reading a book.
“By the way, we aren’t physic,” she said.
I shook my head.
“Do you happen to have a necklace chain, with nothing on it, that I can use?”
“I believe I do.” She said getting up and heading towards her vanity.
Diana’s walls were a lavender color. Her bed spread white. The head board was Parisian style. It was very girly and very her.
“Here,” She said handing me a silver chain. The chain looked extremely delicate and dainty.
“Thanks.” I said.
“You’re welcome,” She replied.
I slipped the, brass, antique key onto the chain. This was my way of saying goodbye to my old life but still keeping the memory of it close.
“Can you put it on me?” I asked her fumbling with the clasp. I’m not a jewelry person, and when it comes to jewelry I like classic looking pieces, so I had no idea how to really work the clasp.
“Oh, sure,” She said moving towards me and taking the necklace. She snapped it around my neck in one swift lightening fast motion. “There,” She said.
I went and looked in the mirror. “Perfect,” I whispered. The key looked like it belonged around my neck. I toyed with it.
“Thanks Diana.”
“You are very welcome. Anytime you need anything you can always come to me,” She said picking up her book, Pride and Prejudice, I could see now.
I went out in the hallway and down the steps. I didn’t see Joseph, Danny, or Mason anywhere. Jonathon and Amelia were seated in the living room. Jonathon was seated in the love seat and Amelia was in the chair opposite. The rug and coffee table was in the center of the seating arrangement.
Jonathon’s wavy hair was glistening with wetness.
I made my way over to the love seat and sat down next to Jonathon and across from Amelia. The room was so silent it was eerie. Jonathon grabbed my hand.
Amelia seemed tired and hungry. Her eyes were blood shot, unfocused, and completely black. I looked up at Jonathon and his face showed no emotion, it was like Michelangelo’s David, no movement. What was wrong?