Page 2 of Forever (Fallen 3)
“Jonathon, control yourself,” he snapped harshly. He meant business.
“You don’t know what I’m going through. Nothing like this ever happened to you and Amelia so don’t act so superior, uncle,” I slurred. Patrick and I had never fought but there was a first time for everything. I hung my head in my hands and dry sobbed. I couldn’t cry so instead I sobbed. My eyes burned with the tears that I couldn’t shed. I felt like my body and soul was being ripped apart. I wanted to throw up.
The door to Kylie’s room opened and the doctor came out. Patrick and I both jumped up.
“You can come in now,” he held the door open for us.
I immediately rushed to her side. She was asleep but the steady beeping of her heart monitor reassured me. Tubes were everywhere and I was careful not to disturb them. I rubbed her hair and kissed her forehead, “I’m sorry, principessa.” I pulled a chair over to be as close to her as I could, and sat down, with her small unresisting hand nestled in mine. Her skin was cold and clammy. Her normally olive complexioned skin was pale and unhealthy looking. Her chest rose and fell with short shallow breaths.
Patrick came over and laid a reassuring hand on my shoulder.
“Will she be okay?” I asked.
“She’ll be fine. Her ribs are bruised and she hit her head pretty hard. We’re keeping her sedated because of the pain but it could have been a whole lot worse. It’s as if something stopped her from moving around in the car. It’s nothing short of a miracle. But she’s in a slight coma—” he said before I interrupted.
“Coma!” I stood straight up and glared at the doctor.
“It’s nothing to worry about. She should wake up in a few days.”
“A few days!” I shouted.
“Yes, young man, its normal and nothing to worry about I promise you. Who do you think you are speaking to me like this?”
“I’m her fiancé! How dare you speak to me in such a way.”
“Jonathon,” Patrick warned.
“I’m sorry sir. You both just seem so young.”
I ran my hands angrily through my hair and sat back down. I wanted to rip this man’s throat out. I was so angry and everyone seemed to be making me angrier. It was taking every inch of self-control I possessed not to snap. I was at my limit.
He cleared his throat and said the words I was not prepared to hear, “I do have some bad news, however.”
I stood again. I couldn’t breathe. Patrick put an arm around me in comfort. He looked at me sympathetically. Time slowed as I waited for the doctor to tell me whatever it was. I was imagining all kinds of horrible things. But nothing could prepare me for the words that came out of his mouth.
“It appears, well, in the wreck, I’m sorry to say, well she lost the baby.”
“What baby?” I questioned.
Patrick’s grip tightened in shock.
“I’m sorry. You didn’t know? She was pregnant. About six weeks I’d say.”
I put my head back in my hands. This was just getting worse and worse. I hadn’t told Patrick that Kylie and I had made love. Quite frankly I thought it was better left between the two of us and was no one else’s business. But I guessed it was too late. I wiped my face.
“Jonathon?” Patrick looked at me, his face full of shock.
“Later,” I mumbled.
The doctor looked between the two of us. “I’ll leave you for now. I’ll be back to check on her later,” he said, before making his swift exit.
I sat down and took her hand in mine bringing it to my lips in a kiss.
“Jonathon?” said Patrick. “What’s going on? What baby?”
I hung my head. “I’m sorry, Patrick. I am. But we did it. We made love. I know you told me to wait. But, well, she can be pretty convincing when she wants something, and I’m not saying I’m an innocent party, because I wanted to do it too, even though I also wanted to wait and do it right. I guess my self-control isn’t as good as we all thought.”
“When? When did it happen?”