Page 24 of Forever (Fallen 3)
“I already told you,” he said patiently. “Anywhere and everywhere. You did say you always wanted to see the world. Well, here’s your chance. Take your pick,” he handed me a map of the world.
“Are you serious?” I asked with a smile.
“Completely. Anywhere in the world. It’s all up to you,” he threw his arms out. “And to make your decision easier we’re not going to just one place, although I do have a surprise up my sleeve along the way.” He saw me about to speak so he held up his hand and added quickly, “It’s a wedding gift and that’s all I’m going to say on the matter.”
I smiled. “Okay.”
“Okay? I expected more of a protest.”
“Well, this was a surprise and it was a good one, so I’m thinking I can trust you.”
“Oh, you were thinking were you?” he raised a brow. I smacked his arm and he leaned across and kissed me. “Pick,” he breathed against my parted lips making me feel faint.
I looked down at the map in my hands. I didn’t really need to look. I knew exactly where I wanted to go on the first night of my honeymoon. “Paris.”
Jonathon quirked his lips, “You heard the lady, Anton, Paris it is.”
The man that had stood at the top of stairs disappeared into the pilot’s cabin without a word. A moment later the indicator light to buckle up came on. I clicked the belt in and Jonathon did the same even though I knew it was unnecessary. The plane began to move and before I knew it we were in the air on our way to Paris. My stomach bubbled with excitement.
Jonathon took my hand and kissed my engagement and then wedding ring. He looked up at me and his silver eyes were pooling with emotion. “Oh, Jonathon,” I breathed.
He smiled. “I can’t believe you’re really mine.”
“I could say the same,” I replied.
He chuckled. “This has been a long time coming.”
The thought of being alone all the years he was broke my heart. True, he had his family, but it wasn’t the same. I hated to think of all the loneliness he had endured. It was unimaginable. I traced the contours of his face and said the only thing I could think of, “I’m here now.”
“And I wouldn’t have it any other way,” he supplied.
I smiled and glanced out the window of the plane. A few clouds hovered, blocking the bright stars. The city of Rome was beautiful from above. Everything seemed to be bathed in a warm amber glow. I saw the crumbling remains of the Coliseum. Its beauty never ceased to amaze me. I looked away from the window and back at Jonathon. He had relaxed into the chair and removed his jacket. I was amazed at how comfortable the dress was. I had wanted to change before we got on the plane, but Jonathon had whispered in my ear that he wanted to be the one to get me out of my dress. His words had colored my cheeks. They flamed red again at just the thought. Jonathon smirked, no doubt picking up on my thoughts. I yawned, suddenly very tired. I hadn’t got much sleep the night before, too keyed up on nerves, and it was catching up with me.
“Sleep now, principessa. I will wake you when we arrive. Plus, I need to find a hotel,” he smiled, already pulling out his cellphone.
I gulped. Jonathon and I hadn’t done anything since our first time. Neither one of us had said anything, but by silent agreement we had made the decision to wait again, until now. I was suddenly very nervous, which I knew was stupid. We had already made love, so what made this different? But it was different. I closed my eyes and in the process tried to quiet the thoughts pounding in my head.
I awoke to Jonathon’s gentle shaking of my shoulders. “Principessa we’re here,” he crooned.
I opened my eyes to see that we had landed. I was sure that I had an unattractive red streak across my cheek from the way I had slept. I stretched, undid the seatbelt, and took his offered hand. The man named Anton was waiting at the stairs. He gave me a smile and then Jonathon and I were descending the steps. I was about to take my first steps on French soil.
A silver Bentley Continental GT was waiting for us. Jonathon opened the door for me before climbing behind the wheel. The engine purred to life. “Oh, yeah,” Jonathon breathed in the scent. “I’ve wanted one of these. Maybe when we get home I’ll finally get one.”
I laughed. “Like you need another car.”
“That reminds me. You need a new car.”
“No, I don’t,” I scoffed.
“Yes, you do,” he replied.
“Sure,” I rolled my eyes.
He knew I was kidding and his laughter filled the car. We exited the airport and he wound through the streets like someone familiar with the city. “Oh my God,” I gasped upon seeing the Eiffel Tower.
He smiled. “Isn’t it beautiful?”
“It’s amazing,” I replied, taking in the sight of massive structure. It was huge and lit up the night sky.