Page 4 of Forever (Fallen 3)
“Of course,” he nodded and ducked out the door.
I settled in beside Kylie for the night. I wouldn’t leave her side until she woke up. When I had been in my hibernation after I killed Selena she never left my side and I would do the same for her. I loved her with every inch of my being. I hated being away from her. It killed me when I had to leave her to lead Selena away, and it killed me even more when I saw her and Isaac together. I thought nothing could hurt me more than that did, but I was wrong. This was hell, my own personal torture. I hated seeing her in pain and I hated the unknown. The doctor seemed convinced she would be okay but that wasn’t good enough for me. I needed to hear her talk and see her pretty green eyes. But she was out cold, and I had no idea how much longer she would be asleep.
One day passed, then two, three, and on the fourth day she finally opened her eyes.
“Principessa?” I whispered.
Chapter Two: Awakening
Everything was suddenly a bright white after an eternal amount of darkness.
The light burned my eyes.
I was dead and I had finally reached heaven. After all the darkness I had thought for sure that I was on my way to hell. I guessed not. Maybe there were still small miracles left in the world. It was so bright, so white, that I finally had to shield my eyes. The movement sent a searing pain through my arm and I hissed. Maybe this was hell after all, because surely heaven wouldn’t be so painful.
“Principessa?” whispered the voice of an angel. My angel. Oh, no! He was dead too! But how?
The pain became more intense. My sides hurt which made it hurt terribly to breathe. Breathe? I shouldn’t be breathing. I was dead, wasn’t I?
I felt gentle, hesitant, hands flutter around my head and then cool lips touch my forehead. I blinked to adjust my eyes to the bright light.
“Jonathon?” I whispered in my hoarse, shaky voice.
I heard him sigh in relief, “It’s so good to hear your voice, my love.”
“Am I dead?” I asked even though I knew it was silly.
“No,” he chuckled, “you’re not. You’re alive principessa. Never, ever, do that to me again. I’ve been so worried.”
“Sorry,” I winced, “what happened?” I knew the basics but I needed to hear it to know that I hadn’t made bits and pieces up. I swallowed and my throat was beyond dry. “Can I have some water first?” I asked.
“Of course, love,” he murmured and disappeared. He was back a moment later with a plastic cup full of water. He held the delicious liquid to my lips and I slurped it greedily. Nothing had ever tasted so good before. He sat back in the chair and placed the empty cup on the small bedside table. “Well, principessa we were in a car wreck. A bad one.”
“That man? Did you see him too?” I asked. Memories of the crash came flooding back to me.
“Yes, principessa, I saw him too,” he ran his hand through his hair. “I am so sorry. I can’t believe this happened. I overreacted and we went off the road, down an embankment. I just- I don’t know where he came from. I know that’s no excuse but it’s the truth.”
“Jonathon,” I placed my hand on his smooth chin, “this was not your fault. If it’s anyone’s fault, it’s that man’s for being stupid enough to stand in the middle of the road. Don’t blame yourself. I saw what happened. One second the road was empty, the next he was just standing there. Things happen, and this was no different. I’ll heal and we’ll move on.”
“You are so amazing? Do you know that?”
I laughed and it hurt. “Ow,” I clutched my chest.
“Principessa, are you okay?” He asked, his hands feathering over me, but not touching.
“I’m fine. Or I will be, when you kiss me,” I smiled. I wanted to get rid of that wrinkle between his brows. I hated seeing him so worried. I hated even more being the cause of his worry.
It worked and the wrinkle disappeared. He smiled and leaned in. He pressed his lips gently against mine. “There’s something else you should know,” he winced.
“What?” I asked, scared. It had to be bad to cause the look that was on his face.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” He asked with pain filled eyes.
“Tell you what?” I replied, puzzled. What was he talking about? I was completely lost and that made me feel stupid.
“That you were pregnant?”