Page 51 of Forever (Fallen 3)
“Us?” I asked.
“I don’t know for sure. Not until the baby comes.”
I shuddered and put my hand to my stomach. I felt his cool hand rub my stomach too. “I’m sorry for my reaction but if… If this prophecy is about us. Not just us, but the baby too, then it means a war.”
“A war?” asked Mason.
“Yes,” Jonathon turned to look at him, “against the Originals.”
“But they’re impossible to defeat,” said Danny in a quiet voice.
“No, not impossible,” said Jonathon standing. “The problem is the fact that there are two prophecies concerning the war. One where we would win. One where the Originals would win… and we would die,” he looked around at all of us…at his family.
“But you said the prophecies might not be about us,” said Mason.
Jonathon chuckled. “Might. I hope, at least, that I’m wrong. But I doubt it. We’ll just have to wait and see,” he said with a significant look at my stomach.
I shuddered as a sudden chill shivered down my spine.
“There was the seer with dreams behind her eyes, there were the blue flames shining brightly from his hands, and there was the child with powers like no other,” I whispered.
“Exactly,” said Jonathon. “Wait,” his head whipped in my direction, “how did you know that?”
“It was all I saw until Gabriel slammed the book shut,” I shrugged my shoulders like it was n
o big deal.
“Another passage that makes me believe this is about us is this one,” he held up the book for us all to see the faded words.
Thrice she must bleed,
Till she shall conceive,
Life blooms from death,
Suffering leads to strength,
The strong must triumph over the evil,
The journey is only beginning,
Prepare, fight, and win,
Or all will be lost,
“Whoa,” gasped Mason as all the vampires in the room turned to look at me.
“Are you telling me that I lost three babies because of some stupid prophecy!” I ground out.
Jonathon and the others were surprised at my anger.
“It’s fate. The prophecies just predict it,” he shrugged.
“Fate,” I whispered and threw my hands in the air in exasperation. “Screw fate.”
“Kylie,” he took my hands in his, all signs of his previous hatred towards himself gone. Now, there was only concern for me. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. I just couldn’t be certain.”