Page 60 of Forever (Fallen 3)
“I’m hurrying, I’m hurrying,” he murmured. “Almost there, almost there, yes!”
The car eased to a stop this time. He was at my side in an instant stunning the human man there. I noticed he wore a hospital uniform.
Jonathon pulled me out of the car and cradled me to his chest and started into the hospital.
“Sir, you can’t park there,” said the human man in rapid fire Italian.
Jonathon turned, bared his teeth, and growled. The man paled. Patrick’s hand clamped down on Jonathon’s shoulder. “Go,” he said motioning with his head, “we’ve got this.” I then saw the rest of the family over his shoulder. Another pain ripped through me then and I screamed. Then they all disappeared.
Jonathon was not at all concerned with discretion. He raced up the steps instead of wasting precious minutes waiting for the elevator. He finally pushed open the door to the top floor and I screamed again and began to convulse. This was bad. Jonathon had never before looked so frightened.
Dr. Crane was already there in his scrubs pulling on gloves. The lights were dim but I could see a brighter light coming from one of the back rooms.
“This way,” motioned Dr. Crane as he disappeared down the hallway.
Jonathon rushed after him. The room was completely set up. Hospital bed, monitors, everything.
Jonathon laid me on the bed as gently as he could but it didn’t matter. I was having another contraction and this was the worse yet. I curled in on myself and let out a bloodcurdling scream. Sweat broke out across my skin. Jonathon’s cold hands tried to wipe it away. My breathing began to accelerate. My back arched unnaturally.
“Turn around,” said Jonathon gruffly to Dr. Crane before ripping my clothes off and covering me in a hospital gown. “Everything will be okay, principessa,” he whispered in my ear. I could tell that he didn’t believe it, though.
Dr. Crane turned on a bright round hospital light that nearly blinded me before he asked, “Can I turn around now?”
“Yeah,” said Jonathon.
Dr. Crane hooked me up to an IV but I didn’t see what good it would do and then he put a clamp on my finger and suddenly the room was filled with the sound of my heartbeat. Beep. Beep. Beep.
Another contraction came and I screamed again. The beeping from the monitor was so fast I was surprised my heart didn’t give out. Jonathon took my hand in his and I squeezed it as hard as I could. He kissed my forehead tenderly. “I’m so sorry, principessa. I don’t know what I was thinking putting you in this situation.”
I breathed in and out and the beeping slowed to a more normal, acceptable pace. “I wanted a baby remember? But I can assure you if I ever-” I screamed again. Steadying my breathing I continued, “make it out of this alive I will personally kill you.”
He chuckled. “I’m glad to see that even during the most intense pain of your life you can still make jokes.”
“That’s me,” I grimaced in pain, “the eternal optimist.”
Dr. Crane pushed on my stomach, trying to move the baby, and I screamed again. Only this time I couldn’t stop.
“Do something!” yelled Jonathon at the doctor.
“I’m trying! The baby’s breach and the cord is wrapped around his neck! We don’t have much time!”
“Hurry! I can’t lose her! I’ll rip out your throat if she doesn’t make it through this! And that’s a promise,” Jonathon growled at the poor doctor.
Dr. Crane released my stomach, having successfully turned the baby, and said “Kylie, you’re going to have to push now. I’ll help all I can. This is going to be very painful but I know you can do it.”
I closed my mouth, my scream stopping instantly, and whimpered.
“I’m ready,” I nodded shakily as sweat dripped off of me.
Jonathon looked down at me and his eyes were full of fear. I caressed his chin. “It’ll be okay,” I assured him. I’d tell him anything at this point to erase that look from his face.
“I’ll never forgive myself for this,” he took my hand and kissed it.
“Stop it,” I warned. “I need you right now. I need you to help me. Please,” I begged.
He nodded his head. “I can do that,” he kissed me.
“Let’s get this show on the road,” said Dr. Crane grabbing his chair.