Page 95 of Forever (Fallen 3)
I knew they deserved to be remembered. But I just couldn’t do it.
I’d spent so long grieving Isaac and my dad, that I couldn’t put myself through that kind of pain again.
I needed to be strong, for my kids, for Jonathon, but most importantly, for me.
We gathered in the backyard for our makeshift funeral.
There was no way we could go back for bodies, so all we had was headstones for the three slain vampires.
Seeing my brother’s name on one of those headstones was like a kick to the gut. He was too young to die. I couldn’t believe he’d been introduced to this paranormal world only to be ripped from it so cruelly. The world worked in mysterious ways.
We were all solemn, staring at the three new headstones that joined the ones that marked the graves of Jonathon’s parents. I really hoped Diana had been reunited with them in the afterlife. She deserved to be with her parents again.
I prayed that death hadn’t separated Adam and Vivian. I hoped they were together, still enjoying the benefits of being soul mates. I also hoped that Adam saw our dad up there. Wherever there was.
Jonathon’s hand entwined with mine. He held Makenna in his other arm and I held Ren. I looked down at my son. My greatest wish was that we’d never be ripped from them, that this would be the last time we’d have to say goodbye to the ones we loved. I was sick of the fighting and the death. All I wanted was to live my life with Jonathon, our kids, and our family.
Amelia choked on a sob and buried her head against Patrick’s shoulder. He led her away and back into the house.
Danny and Mason joined them after a moment. Both of their hands were shoved into the pockets of their black pants and their heads were bowed.
“Bye bro,” Aiden saluted the headstone.
Viola pressed her fingers against the stone of Vivian’s grave, tracing her fingers over the letters carved there.
Then, they too, left.
With a sigh, Joseph headed back to the house.
Then it was just Jonathon and I.
“Goodbye,” we said simultaneously.
With my head held high, I walked away from my past and straight into my future.
Epilogue #2: An unknown future
A few years later
“Ren! Stay away from the water!” I yelled, coming out on the back porch of our house in Santa Barbara.
“Unca Gabe is wif me!” My three year old son yelled back.
I shook my head. Gabriel was always getting my kids into all kinds of trouble.
Suddenly, Gabriel’s head appeared in the ocean water, as he swam towards Ren while pretending to be a shark.
Ren squealed in delight when Gabriel reached him and pulled him into the water. He clung to Gabriel’s shoulders, giggling.
“Never thought I’d see this,” Jonathon chuckled, coming up behind me.
“You’re telling me,” I laughed as we watched Gabriel play with our son.
Never in a million years did I ever think that the moody vampire I despised so much initially, would actually become a part of our family.
Jonathon and I descended the steps. We found Makenna playing in the sand.
“Whatcha’ doin’ baby girl?” I asked her, sitting in the sand beside her, and placing a kiss on top of her blond curls.