Page 20 of Treacherous
e to Parkview. It’s been this way as long as I can remember.”
“But why? What is it about him that has everyone eating out of the palm of his hand?”
“Well,” Pierce throws me an apologetic look, “he’s good looking, rich, and he’s best friends with Zayden. I know none of that should matter, but to most of the brainless asshats we go to school with, it’s all that matters.”
“You’re not in on it, right?” I hate that the question even comes out, but with everything else that’s happened I feel suspicious of everything and everyone.
“Wait, what?” He draws back like I smacked him right across the face.
“I’m sorry. I know you don’t deserve to have me asking such questions, but if you think about it, it would totally make sense. Oliver recruits one of his friends to get close to me. It’s his kill shot.”
“His what?” He seems so confused that I almost feel sorry for him.
“Kill shot. You know, he stabs me several times before finally delivering the fatal blow.”
“And you think I’m the fatal blow?”
“No,” I answer honestly. “But it feels like something he would do.”
“I’m not sure if I should be pissed that you’re accusing me of working with Oliver or amused.” A smile plays on his lips. “Look, I’ve been around Oliver enough to know he’s not the kind of people I need in my life. Besides, are you forgetting the part where I also like men? Have you met Oliver? Do I strike you as the kind of person he would hang out with?”
“Probably not,” I admit. “God, I’m sorry. You’ve been nothing short of amazing and here I am questioning your motives.”
“You’ve had one hell of a week, so I’m going to give you a free pass this time,” he tells me, taking this way better than I would have if the roles were reversed. “But the next time I might not be so easy on you,” he playfully warns.
“You really are something special, Charles Pierce.”
“Now that’s something we can both agree on.”
We both laugh, and despite everything that’s gone on today, there’s nothing forced or fake about it.
“I’m sorry about tonight. I should never have insisted on going. I walked into the lion’s den and they feasted, just like I knew they would. I guess I thought maybe there were some decent people mixed in with all the assholes.”
“Oh, there are. You’ll just be hard pressed to see any of them stand against Zayden or Oliver,” he says. “Speaking of which, what the fuck did Z want earlier?” he asks, reminding me that I never got the chance to tell him. Oliver made sure of that.
“He yelled at me for drinking.” I laugh at the absurdity of it now, though at the time I was too confused to really process it all.
“Come again?” Pierce seems as confused as I had felt.
“He told me that I was going to be roofied, and that I shouldn’t drink anything that I didn’t pour myself or got from you. He was being so mean about it and yet, I couldn’t help but feel like for whatever reason, he was looking out for me. It was really weird.” I shake my head.
“I wouldn’t have let that happen. Jared is a buddy of mine and he would never slip something into someone’s drink. Not saying that it’s never happened, but I knew the drink was safe.” He thinks on it for a moment. “But what I don’t get is why he felt the need to say anything to begin with. Unless….” A slow smile tugs at his lips.
“Unless?” I ask impatiently when he doesn’t finish his thought right away.
“Unless he has a thing for you.”
I stare at him for a long moment, trying to gauge if he’s being serious. When he gives me no indication to prove otherwise, I immediately burst into laughter. And not just a little laugh either. No, this is stomach cramping, can’t catch my breath kind of laugh.
“You can’t be serious,” I manage through my hysterics.
“I’m just saying, maybe he does. You’re beautiful, funny, witty, and you don’t take his shit—which is probably a first for him.”
“Zayden Michaels does not have a thing for me,” I reassure him, my laughter dying off. “And even if he did, I wouldn’t give that asshole the time of day,” I quickly add, hoping Pierce doesn’t see through the lie.
I know it’s crazy. I should hate Zayden. I should, but I don’t. I’ve never been so intrigued by someone before. It’s like the meaner he is to me, the more curious I become. And in some sick way I like the attention. Because even if it’s negative attention, it shows he’s thinking about me.
Okay, I think I’ve officially lost my mind.