Page 11 of Endless Obsession
Oh no, that doesn’t work for me. He needs to give me something. He can’t just expect me to accept his non-answers.
Me: How do you know me? How do you know where I work?
Unknown: I know a lot of things about you, Poppy.
Me: You’re not helping your case of me wanting to know you. It’s freaking me out that you know stuff about me, personal stuff, when I don’t even know your name. That’s not normal. It’s pretty stalkerish, don’t you think?
I notice the time on my phone again and see I have a few minutes before I need to leave, so I decide to wait for his reply.
Unknown: Just call me Mr. A for now. Have a safe trip to work.
I drop the phone in my lap, not liking this at all, but also begrudgingly admitting that he has me even more intrigued. I should be committed. I must be losing my mind to be captivated by this person. I don’t know him from Adam’s house cat, but I can’t help but be curious. I’m asking for trouble; I know I am. It’s stupid and reckless of me. The flowers are such a sweet gesture, and I want to know why he does it. Fear and curiosity worm their way into my belly, but I’m not sure which is more predominant.
Until six months ago, I’ve lived a, well, I wouldn’t say sheltered life, but I definitely haven’t adventured into the unknown. I haven’t been able to, or rather, I haven’t wanted to. I’ve been fine with my unexciting life, which consisted of high school, then college for a couple years until I quit to help my mom with the hardware store. I’ve dated guys, but they were the usual boys, nothing special. Grant was the typical boy next door type, and we had a normal sex life. It certainly wasn’t anything spectacular, but it was enough for me. We went on dates together, had dinner with our families, we both worked, but him more so when my mom got sick. Our relationship was comfortable, and I thought we were both happy. Obviously, Grant wasn’t.
Liv knows what Grant did, and because of it, I flatly refused to go out to bars and pick up random guys. After months of coaxing, I finally opened up a profile on a dating site she’d been trying to get me to join. Meeting guys I’ve connected with through the dating site, even if they were all douchebags, is the most unconventional thing I’ve ever done.
For me to become fascinated with someone I don’t know, based on some flowers and a few text messages is so far out of my normal. I don’t know how to handle it or what to do next, or what to expect. But one thing I do know is, I want to know who this guy is. I want to know what he looks like, what he does for a living, where he lives, what makes him smile and laugh, what his habits are, and what makes him tick. What is it about me that he likes? He’s obviously come across me somewhere and found something he likes. I want to be given the same chance.
I am so screwed in the head that I should have a doctor check me over to make sure I’m still functioning properly, because what I’m feeling for a stranger is something only an insane person would feel.
“Say what?” Liv says loudly. Too loudly for an office building.
“Shhh,” I hiss at her. We both glance over to Kate from finance and Brook from payroll, who are both standing outside the conference room down the hall. I give them an apologetic look before turning to glare at Liv.
She has the decency to at least look a little guilty. She pushes up from her leaning position, comes around to the other side of my desk and plants her ass on the corner next to me, effectively crinkling papers and pushing a folder precariously close to the edge. I grab a cup of pens before they topple over and the folder Mr. Knight needs later for his meeting. I lean back in my chair so I don’t have to crane my neck back so much to look at her.
“So, he just messaged you out of the blue?” Her eyes grow wide and a smile starts to creep up until it totally consumes her whole face.
I play with the seam on the arm of the chair, my own lips forming a small smile.
“Sure did,” I tell her.
“Yes!” she hisses, and does a fist pump.
She looks back at me and leans forward. “What did he say? Did he give you his name? I wanna see what he said.”
She reaches for my phone sitting by her hip and I slap it away. “Hey!” She feigns hurt by bringing it to her face and examining the back of it.
“No peeks at my phone,” I tell her sternly. I grab my phone and slip it in the drawer with my purse.
“But Pop, I want to know what he said.” She sticks out her bottom lip in a pout. “You owe me that. Every week you get those flowers, and it’s like I’m getting them too.”
I scoff at her ridiculousness. “Really, Liv?”
She nods, her face serious. “Yes, really. I’ve been with you since the first delivery of those beautiful roses. I feel like a part of them is for me when the delivery guy walks in.” She puts her hands together in prayer style. “Please. I’m dying here.”
I take pity on her because I was going to tell her anyway. She’s my best friend after all. I just like making her squirm.
“He didn’t really say much, just asked me if I liked the flowers he’s been sending. When I asked how he got my number, he said he has his ways, which was really weird. Then he wished me a good day at work.”
The expression on Liv’s face is almost comical. She scrunches up her nose and a look of disappointment crosses it.
“You’re lying. There has to be more. That’s so boring. Give me your phone.”
She reaches her hand out and wiggles her fingers.
I laugh and push her hand away. I tap my finger to my lips and look up at the ceiling like I’m thinking. When I look back to Liv, she’s watching me excitedly.