Page 31 of Endless Obsession
Her grin is huge. “Already started. Being sick in bed for two days was boring. Me and my computer started browsing dress shops.”
“Okay, that’s it. I’m coming over this weekend. You can’t do this without me,” I tell her, popping a piece of cheese in my mouth.
“I wouldn’t dream of it. You’re my maid of honor, after all,” she says, giving me a hopeful look.
While she hadn’t asked me, I was hoping she would.
“Oh, Liv. You know I would be honored,” I say, tears stinging my eyes.
Food forgotten, we both get up from our seats and embrace in a tight hug. Liv may be my best friend, but she’s so much more. She’s the sister I never realized I wanted.
“Thank you,” she says when we pull back. “Okay, enough with the sappy shit. You’re turn to spill. Have you heard from your mystery man?”
I go back to my seat. “Sterling,” I tell her. She looks at me curiously, so I explain. “That’s what I call him now. I have to give him some kind of name.”
She claps her hands in excitement, making me laugh. “Love it! Now, back to my question. Have you heard from him?”
She’s practically bouncing in her seat like an excited kid waiting for my answer.
“I have.”
I think back to our conversation on Monday. He’s hasn’t called me since then, but we’ve texted a few times. It’s hard to explain what I’m feeling regarding him. While I should feel threatened and exposed with him knowing so much about me, I don’t. What I feel is something I’ve never felt before. It’s unexplainable, but also undeniable. When he called me, I was shocked, but I would be lying if I said I didn’t get a full body shiver. Hearing his voice for the first time made it so much more real. Not only the seriousness of the situation, or the possible ramifications, but also the feelings he stirs in me. Feelings I can’t hide. Hearing his deep, smooth voice with a strong southern drawl just made them stronger. How can someone I know nothing about bring on such emotions and cause my body to light up? I don’t know, and I’m coming to the conclusion that I don’t really care. He makes me feel alive, something I haven’t felt in years.
When he revealed he got information on my date, Marc, I should have hung up and called the police immediately, but I didn’t. Yes, I was still upset, shocked, and pissed that he would invade my private life like that, but it also turned me on for some odd reason. This man really knows how to turn me stupid. The entire time we talked, I had to fight the urge to bring my fingers between my legs to relieve the pressure.
“Hello, Earth to Poppy.” Liv snaps her fingers in front of my face, bringing me back to our lunch date.
Heat creeps up my face, thinking of how my body responded to hearing his voice for the first time.
“Sorry,” I mutter.
“Well, well, then. Obviously, something’s happened while I was gone. Do tell.” Liv looks at me with a knowing smirk, bouncing in her chair in anticipation again.
Too bad there’s not a lot to tell.
“Do you remember my date on Saturday?” She nods. “He was a convicted criminal.” Liv gasps, but I talk over her. “He was convicted for sexual assault and battery.” The look on Liv’s face goes from shock to horror, and I continue. “He raped and beat his sister. Sterling found out and sent me a text with the link to Marc’s rap sheet.” When Liv opens her mouth to talk, I finish with, “While I was at dinner with Marc.”
“What?” Liv practically yells. I nod, letting her know I’m serious.
“Yeah. Apparently, Sterling knows how to get information when he wants it. I don’t know how, but he found out I was going on a date and started digging. I don’t have the details, something he refused to give me.”
“Oh my God, Pop. I am so sorry! This is all my fault. I should have never made you open that account. If anything had happened…”
I reach over and grab Liv’s hand, not liking the look of remorse on her face. This is in no way her fault. She was only trying to help me get over my slump.
“Liv, please, don’t blame yourself. You didn’t know this would happen. Besides, Sterling was there.”
“What do you mean he was there? Did you see him?” she asks, the look of guilt lingering, but now there’s apparent interest in her expression.
“No, but he said he had been watching me the entire time I was with Marc. He said he wouldn’t have let anything happen to me. I know it’s crazy, Liv, but I believe him.”
“Wow. I don’t even know what to say,” she says, still looking stunned.
“He called me Monday,” I reveal, moving the conversation along.
Her eyes grow wide. “How did he sound? Does he have a sexy voice? I bet he does, doesn’t he?”
I can’t hold my giggle in. “He does. It’s smooth and deep, and so sexy, with a hint of an accent. Damn, Liv. When I first answered and heard his voice, I swear I had a mini orgasm.”