Page 49 of Endless Obsession
Either she’s still awash in her pleasure and doesn’t realize what I’m doing, or on some level knows, but doesn’t care at this point. She gives no reaction. I continue my gentle assault on her to insert my cum inside her pussy until I’m satisfied.
I lean down and brush a kiss against her lips. “Thank you,” I whisper.
She’s given me a gift that’s more precious than anything on this earth—besides her, of course.
“For what?” she asks sleepily.
I cup her cheeks in my hands. “For trusting me.” I kiss the tip of her nose, her cheeks, and then her lips before pulling back. “I’ll be right back. Don’t go anywhere.”
Not wanting to leave, but knowing I need to clean her, I get up from the bed and walk to the bathroom. I wet a washcloth with warm water and walk back into her room. She looks well satisfied with her hair tussled, her face relaxed, and her body lying limply. I want to beat my chest like a damn caveman, knowing I did that to her.
But instead, I sit beside her. Her body jerks like I woke her from a light sleep. I hate knowing I have to wash my seed off of her, but I also know how sticky that shit gets if it dries and how uncomfortable it’ll be for her. Knowing she’ll still have some of it inside of her allows me to set the warm cloth on her pussy. She jumps at the contact and releases a sigh. I smile at her body’s reaction.
Even though she’s still wearing the satin scarf and it’s dark in the room, I know she’s tracking my movements with her eyes. Her head is tilted down as she bites her bottom lip.
“Tired?” I ask as I wipe away my cum.
“Mmmhmm…” she hums tiredly and stretches her arms over her head.
I chuckled at her catlike move.
Once I’m finished cleaning her, I take the cloth to the hamper by the bathroom door and go back to the bed. I should leave and let her rest, but the temptation to stay for a little while longer is too great.
I sit beside her again and simply watch her. Her breathing is deep and even, telling me she’s fallen asleep. Knowing that I’ve satisfied her enough, and that she trusts me enough to fall asleep with me still in her home has my chest growing tight. I lean down and place a soft kiss on her pouty lips, and she releases a tired sigh.
Gently, so as not to wake her, I lift her head and reach back to untie the scarf. I know I’m risking her waking up and seeing me, but the need to see her face unencumbered is something I can’t deny myself.
I pull the scarf from her eyes to see them still closed; her thick, dark lashes rest against her cheeks. She looks peaceful and innocent. It’s her purity that drew me to her in the first place.
I run my fingers down her cheek. She turns her head, like she’s looking for more of my touch. I watch her sleep for a few more moments before standing to get dressed. A hollowness forms in my belly, knowing I have to go. I don’t want to leave. I want to stay here with her, handcuff her to me, and never let her out of my sight.
Some people say that when you’re with the same person for a while, you look forward to the moments alone. That being in their company twenty-four seven drives them crazy. Or that absence makes the heart grow fonder, and you never know what you’ll miss until you’re not around them. That’s such a load of bullshit. There’s no fucking way I could ever want to be away from Poppy. She helps me breathe easier and makes my heart pump stronger. If it was up to me, I’d super glue her to my side so she could never get away from me. Hell, I see her all week at work, and then stalk her with the tracking device in her car and the cameras I have placed in each room of her house. I could watch her all day and it still wouldn’t be enough. After a year of this, I can’t even begin to imagine ever tiring of her, ever.
I place one last kiss to her lips and blow out the candles, bringing the room into total darkness. Poppy rolls to her side, tucking her hands beneath her cheeks. I grab the throw blanket at the end of her bed and slide it over her body to keep her from getting a chill.
With one last look at her, I turn and silently make my way out of her room.
One day soon, I won’t have to leave her or watch her from the sidelines. I know I brought this on myself. I’m the only one keeping us apart right now. I could very easily go back and wake her up and show her who I am, but to be honest, I have some doubts on how she’ll take the news of it being me. She’s not attached to me enough. Finding out her boss of almost a year has been stalking her, watching her from her window, has video cameras in her home, and knows almost all there is to know about her will freak her the fuck out. She’s taken what little information I’ve given her so far too well, but that doesn’t mean she’ll accept everything I’ve done.
I’ve waited this long. Waiting a few more days to ensure she’ll accept me won’t kill me, even if my body doesn’t agree.
Chapter Ten
I wake with a start, disoriented for a moment as I look around my darkened room. I look down and register that I’m naked, which isn’t a surprise, but normally I crawl beneath my comforter, not the throw I keep at the end of my bed. I smell blueberry muffins and glance over at my nightstand and see the candle from my living room sitting there. My hand brushes something cool and silky, and I pick up the satin scarf that’s next to my hip. Memories begin assaulting me.
In my house.
Touching me.
His head between my legs.
His fingers.
Running his cock against me.