Page 69 of Endless Obsession
When she brings her eyes back to me, I barely hold in my gasp at the barely concealed hate she throws my way, before she wipes it clean with another fake smile.
Not waiting for her to lead the way, I walk over to where Asher is sitting and take the seat beside him. I set my purse on the floor at my feet and fold my hands in my lap. Out the corner of my eye, I see Asher looking at me. He’s still on the phone, so I keep my eyes forward.
“We’ll be there early afternoon, Stewart. Make sure you have everything ready.”
He hangs up and puts his phone in his suit pocket, never taking his eyes off me. I start to fidget in my seat.
“Good morning, Poppy,” Asher’s smooth, deep voice greets me.
I plaster on a smile and turn to face him. “Good Morning, Asher.”
A wave of his scent hits me and it nearly steals my breath. He always smells so damn good. Fresh and woodsy, like he just came inside from being out in the country.
“Was the drive over okay?” he inquires.
“Yes, thank you.”
He just sits in his seat, watching me with green eyes that seem like they see more than I want him to. I become antsy with his perusal, crossing and uncrossing my legs. I want to look away, but I can’t.
“Why do I make you so nervous, Poppy?”
My eyes widen at his question. He’s never asked me that before, so I’m surprised he’s asking me now. My behavior is nothing new, so why does he feel the need to know now? And what do I say to that? I don’t even know the answer myself.
I lick my dry lips. His eyes follow the movement, causing my already frayed nerves to shred more. I wipe my sweaty palms on my navy blue skirt, trying to come up with an answer. My stomach feels like there’s a hundred wild horses galloping around inside it.
“Umm…” I swallow, but it does nothing to wet my dry throat. I need something to drink, but don’t want to ask for fear it will give me away. My eyes drop to my lap and my hands that are wringing themselves together.
I jump slightly when I feel Asher’s touch on my chin, lifting my head back up to meet his eyes.
“Why do I make you so nervous?” he asks again, his voice soft. His face is closer, so I feel his breath against my face.
“I don’t know,” I whisper.
His lips tip up into a half-smile when he says, “I think you do know.”
My eyes stay glued to his lips. I wonder how soft they would feel against mine. If he were to kiss me, would it be rough and bruising, or soft and gentle? Either way, I bet they would feel amazing.
A ding sounds and the captain’s voice comes over the intercom, breaking the spell between us. I’m left breathless when I look away from Asher. I try to pull air into my lungs, but it doesn’t feel like I’m getting enough. I scramble for my seatbelt, just to have something to do with my hands. When I peek at Asher from beneath my lashes, I see a smirk on his face as he casually buckles his own belt. My face blazes hot and my stomach flops.
After the captain announces that we’re ready for takeoff, the jet starts to move. The grip I have on the armrests has my fingers cramping. I lean my head back and close my eyes, taking in deep gulps of much needed air. Asher’s hand on mine has me lifting my head and turning it his way. The expression on his face is soft with understanding.
“Everything’s going to be okay,” he says gently.
I nod and turn my head forward, pinning my eyes on the seat in front of me. Asher keeps his hand on mine as the jet starts to pick up speed. It makes a couple turns before coming to a complete stop. I hold my breath and wait as the roar of the engines turn louder. I didn’t think flying would be this scary. I should have had a couple glasses of wine to relax before I left the house. I wonder what they have in the bar across the way, and if Seraphina can find me something to help calm me.
“Poppy,” I hear Asher say beside me, but I’m so stuck in my fear of flying that I can’t look at him.
“Poppy,” he says more harshly, the tone snapping me out of my frozen state. I turn my wild, scared eyes to him. “Just keep your eyes on me, okay?”
I swallow thickly and nod. It’s the only thing I can do at the moment. I’m so focused on his eyes that I see small brown flecks in them. I’ve never noticed them before. Of course, I’ve never been this close to him, or been given the opportunity to look at them unencumbered. He has small wrinkle lines in the corners of his eyes. It’s rare that I see his smile or laugh, so I wonder how he’s acquired them. He has a few gray hairs at his temples, which only adds to his appeal.
I feel the jet jerk forward and start picking up speed, the momentum pushing me back against my seat, but I’m so absorbed in looking at Asher that it fails to worry me. All I can see, feel, smell,
and touch right now is Asher’s eyes on me, his breath against my lips, his scent filling my nose, and his hand still touching mine. Everything else around us is insignificant. I want to stay like this forever. It feels safe. I briefly feel my stomach drop, but I stay focused on him, and he does the same.
What in the hell is happening? Think of Sterling, Poppy! I berate myself. And stop with the Asher fascination.
I slowly start to relax when I realize we’re off the ground. I break our stare, feeling strange as I do so. My cheeks turn hot, and I glance around the cabin before looking out the window. Asher reaches across me to close it, but I stop him with a hand on his arm.