Page 78 of Endless Obsession
“I am looking, Asher. I’m sorry, but I can’t hurt Sterling like that.”
Her eyes break away from mine and looks over my shoulder and out the window. I pull her braid again. I want her eyes on me.
“Just one night, Poppy. Give me one night, and then you can decide.”
I’m being selfish. I shouldn’t ask her to cheat, but the fuck if I won’t. Even if Sterling was someone else, it wouldn’t stop me. I wouldn’t even care if she was married. There’s not much that would stop me from claiming her. Call me a bastard, an asshole, and see how many shits I give. She became mine the minute I saw her in Colt’s office building, whether someone else had her before me or not.
She bites her lip, contemplating my suggestion. Her answer really doesn’t matter. I’m just trying to let her feel like she has the power to choose. I have no doubt that if she says no, I can seduce my way into her bed. There’s absolutely no doubt in my mind that I can convince her.
I know she’s waging a war in her head. The guilt is plain to see on her face for even thinking about my offer, but once she realizes she never actually cheated, she’ll feel better. I hate that she has those feelings, guilt has a way of eating at people, and I know it’s my fault, but I won’t, can’t, let that deter me.
Before she can give me an answer, the car stops. I pull open my door before the driver can get out and walk around to open her hers. Once it’s opened, I hold out my hand for her to take, but she doesn’t take it right away. After a few more seconds, she lifts her hand, but before she places it in mine, she says, “I’m not agreeing to anything. I’m still thinking, but I’m hungry.”
I smile at her when she finally accepts it, and I pull her from the car. My hand settles once again at her back, but a little lower this time. I laugh and shrug when she gives me a pointed look. We walk inside the small dive style restaurant and are immediately seated by the host at a small table in the corner.
Poppy looks around the room. “I never would have pegged you for a guy who liked this type of restaurant.”
“Like I said, they have the best Texas meals around. You’ve never been here before, and I wanted you to experience the local food.”
She smiles and looks up at the waitress that appears at our side.
“Hey y’all. I’m Renee, your waitress for this evening. What kind of drinks can I start you with?”
Poppy chooses a white Gallo Moscato, and for myself, I choose a bottle of Shiner.
She looks at me strangely when the waitress walks away with the promised return of our selections.
“Beer? Again, you don’t seem like a beer man.”
I smile lazily at her. “I’m a man, Poppy. Any man worth his salt likes beer. Just because I’m rich, doesn’t mean I’m not a typical man.”
She unwraps her napkin from around her silverware and smooths it out on her lap.
“I guess that’s true. Maybe I don’t see you as a normal man because I haven’t seen you outside of work. You always have that businessman persona going on.”
I quirk a brow. “Businessman persona? And what exactly is that?”
She carelessly flips her hand in the air. “Oh, you know. The serious, dark, broody face that never shows any emotion.”
I laugh and she laughs with me.
“Broody? I never have a broody face. And besides, you have seen me outside of work.”
“Only once.”
“You’ll get to see it more now.”
The waitress walks up with our drinks, places them in front of us, and walks away. Poppy picks hers up and swallows half of it down. She’s trying to hide her reaction to what I said, but I can see the slight shake in her hand. She puts it back down and picks up the thin plastic menu. I study her face as she does so. Every once in a while, she looks up at me, and each time she does, I smile. She’s uncomfortable again.
“Tell me about this Sterling.” I’m curious to see what she’ll say.
“I’d prefer not to talk about him,” she says, still looking over the menu. I’d bet my life that she couldn’t name one damn food dish on the thing.
“He’s my rival. I need to know what I’m up against. Is he the one that sends you the flowers every week?”
I’m playing with her. It’s a sick game, but I want to know what her thoughts are about Sterling.
She sighs and puts the menu back down, foregoing the ruse. She runs her finger through the condensation on the outside of her wine glass.