Page 89 of Endless Obsession
We’ve been riding for over an hour. I’m still no expert by any means, but I feel more comfortable now. We started out slow, just walking the horses around the paddock, then moved onto a slow gallop. It’s been one of the most thrilling experiences of my life. Asher’s been by my side, literally, just as he said he would be, the whole time. I’ve laughed and giggled so much my sides hurt. I think I may become addicted. I wonder if there are any stables close to home, and if Asher would be willing to take me.
I glance over to my left where Asher is riding Charlie and see him watching me.
“Why are you always watching me?”
His gorgeous green eyes are serious, and he wastes no time answering my question.
“Because I can’t not look at you. You mesmerize me more than anything has before.”
“Oh,” I whisper, and hold his eyes for a second more before looking away.
His words have my stomach filling with butterflies. I’ve never had anyone’s complete focus and attention like this. I wouldn’t say it makes me uncomfortable… actually, I feel immense pleasure. It’s just new and unexpected.
We ride in silence for a while. Asher pulls to a stop beside a tree, so I stop beside him.
“Let’s do lunch.”
He dismounts and walks over to help me down. Yeah, I don’t think I could have done that myself, especially without the aid of a step stool.
“With what?” I ask. We’re in a flat field with short grass. Luckily, there’s a breeze, or I’d be sweating profusely.
Asher walks back to Charlie and unsnaps a leather bag I hadn’t seen hanging from the saddle. Taking both Nina and Charlie’s reins, he leads them to a smaller tree close by and tethers them to it, the rope long enough for them to graze and walk around a bit.
“I brought a picnic,” he informs me, grinning.
I grin back and help him lay out the small red blanket he pulled from the bag underneath a tree to give us shade. After setting down several plastic containers from the bag, Asher takes a seat, leaning back against the tree, then pulls me down between his bent legs. He takes the hat from my head and lays it down beside us, then grabs one of the bigger containers and flips the lid off, revealing two sandwiches. He hands me one and takes the other for himself before grabbing two water bottles. I lean slightly to the side and back against his shoulder, giving him room so he can still eat.
“It’s peaceful out here,” I remark, watching the wind blow the taller grass further out in the field.
“It is. My family has a house in the country. We used to vacation there every summer. I always loved going out by myself to the huge field we had in the back. I’d lie there for hours, watching the clouds pass by.”
“That sounds nice. I’ve always wanted a place like this. Not a farm, but somewhere out in the country where it’s quiet. A place I could relax and just sit and enjoy nature.”
I take a bite of my sandwich and chase it down with some water.
I feel Asher’s lips at my cheek as he lays a kiss there. I smile a small smile and sigh.
“Do you think they have stables close to home?”
“They do. Several, in fact.”
“Do you think…” I stop, wondering if I’m asking more than Asher is willing to give. He’s made it sound like he wants more than just sex, but I can’t be for sure. I decide to take a chance. “Do you think you could take me there sometime? I’ve had so much fun. I’d love to… I don’t know, take riding lessons?”
Asher sets his half-eaten sandwich to the side and wraps his arms around me, one over my stomach, one over my upper chest. His breath is at my ear when he whispers, “I’ll take you anywhere you want to go, Poppy.”
My insides quiver and my heart jumps with his whispered words. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say I was falling for this man. But that can’t be possible. It’s way too soon. Then again, I’ve known him for a year, just not in this capacity.
He grabs another container and pulls the lid off, and I see strawberries inside. He picks one out and brings it to my lips. I open my mouth and he slips it inside. My tongue meets the tips of his fingers, and I let it run across them. He groans in my ear. He picks up another one and does the same, but this time, I grab his wrist and slip more of his finger into my mouth. I swirl it around the digit before nibbling on it.
“You drive me fucking mad, woman,” he growls in my ear, emphasizing his words with a lift of his hips. His cock is hard behind me, making me want to turn around, shed our clothes, and ride us both to heaven and back. One of his hands slip beneath my shirt and he plays with the skin there, causing an ache between my legs.
I pinch one of the strawberries and turn a little, bringing it to his lips. He bites down, and I lean up to take the other half between my teeth, then lick the fruit’s juice off his lips. I’m just about to turn and straddle him when a chirp comes from my pocket.
I groan when I realize it’s my phone. I think about ignoring it, but know that I can’t. I’m waiting on Liv to call me back. She called while we were on our way out here, freaking out because she thought she might be pregnant. I convinced her to go to the store to buy some pregnancy tests and made her promise she would call when she took them.
With an apologetic look to Asher, who is still breathing heavily and has sex in his eyes, I pull my phone from my pocket and lean back against his chest again. She didn’t call, but she did send a text.
Liv: False alarm after five tests. Give me something good to think about. Please tell me you’ve bumped uglies with Mr. Knight.