Page 93 of Endless Obsession
I smile at her jovial behavior. “Hi, Mindy. We’re doing great. How are you?”
She smiles, revealing two dimples in her tanned cheeks. “I’m just peachy!” she chirps. “What can I get y’all tonight?”
Before I get a chance to order my usual Moscato, Asher says, “Two Budweisers. Bottles, please.”
I wrinkle my face and look up at him. He laughs and taps the end of my nose.
“They don’t carry that kind of stuff here, baby. It’s beer, liquor, whiskey, or tequila.”
“Beer it is, then.” I’ve had beer before, and I’m not really a fan of it, but I’ll take it over the other choices. I don’t want to get too drunk tonight, and I can still taste the whiskey in my mouth from the plane trip. It wasn’t bad, but not something I’d like to drink again.
Mindy sets our bottles down on the bar, takes Asher’s money, and with a wink, walks away. I grab mine and tip it to my lips. It’s
bitter, but I force myself to swallow. I’m not sure how much I’ll be able to drink. I try to hide my distaste, but Asher sees through me.
“It gets better the more you drink,” he says, and takes a hefty swallow of his own.
Ha! I give him a doubtful look, which earns me chuckle.
I turn in my seat to face the dance floor. A country song is playing that has most of the dancers doing some type of line dance. I watch, fascinated, as they all move together. They make it look so easy. I want to go out there and try it, but I’m scared of making of fool of myself.
I try another sip of my beer and it tastes just as bad as the first one. My foot bounces to the beat of the country tune on the rung of the stool. I’m not surprised when I look over to him to find him watching me. The hand that’s holding his beer bottle is now resting his whole arm on the back of my stool. His other hand is resting on my lower thigh, lightly swirling circles with his thumb.
“You want to try it?” he asks, tipping the top of his bottle to the dance floor.
“Maybe in minute.” I take another swallow. Hmm… maybe he’s right after all. The bitterness isn’t so bad this time. Another swallow proves he’s right.
We watch the dancers for a while, or rather, I do. One song ends, only for another to begin. Some dancers leave the dance floor and are replaced by others. Some decide to stay for the next set.
Before I know it, I’ve emptied my bottle. Asher takes it from me and places it on the bar. With a smirk, he says, “Told you so.”
I stick my tongue out at him playfully and snatch it back before he can lean down to bite it. I laugh at his pouted look.
“Come dance with me.”
He grabs my hand and pulls me from the stool. The song that’s on now is slow. Once we’re in the middle of the dance floor, Asher pulls me in his arms, resting his hands right above my butt. My arms go around his shoulders and my hands go into his hair.
“I love your hair,” I tell him, sounding pathetically wistful.
His hands pull my body closer and he grins down at me. “You like my hair?” he asks, amused.
I nod and twirl my finger around the short strands. “I do. It always looks so sexy and messy. It makes me want to run my fingers through it. I’ve actually fantasized about it before.”
I hear his low groan and smile to myself.
“Lady, you’re skating on thin ice here,” he growls, and bends to nip at my lips. “Don’t think I won’t take you to a dark corner and fuck you raw.”
I shiver and gaze at him with lustful eyes. I’m so damn tempted to ask him to do just that, but my quota for sexual public displays today has been reached and exceeded.
Instead, I lie my head against his firm chest and snuggle closer. His arms tighten around me and he dips his hands until they rest against my butt. I feel them squeeze before letting up. His hard cock rests against my pubic bone, and I grow damp between my legs.
Once the slow song is over, a fast one starts. I can tell by the lineup of dancers surrounding us it’s another line dance. I step back from Asher, not quite ready to chance this type of dance, but he snakes his arm around my waist, pulling me back to him. When I look at him, he has a mischievous smile on his lips.
“Where are you going?” he asks.
“I don’t know this dance,” I say, looking around and seeing more dancers line the floor.
“I can teach you.” That shocks the shit out of me. I whip my head around and find he’s serious.