Page 13 of Watching Mine
Her nose scrunches up and she wiggles her fingers still out in front of her. “Gimme. I can’t go out there with no panties on.”
I lift a brow. “You can’t walk out there without wearing panties, but you can finger yourself for a guy in a room full of people?” She opens her mouth to speak, but I talk over her. “Then fuck him in a broom closet the next night?”
Her eyes narrow. “Yes,” she hisses. “And don’t ask me why because I damn sure have no idea.” Again, she wiggles her fingers.
Instead of handing over her panties, which I have no intention of doing, I snake my arm around her waist and bring her flush against my chest. Her hands meet my pecs, like she intends to push me away, but my lips claim hers before she has a chance. She melts against me immediately, and my tongue explores the inside of her mouth.
When I pull back, she’s breathless, just the way I wanted her.
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Grabbing her hand, I pull her with me to the door.
“I’m not getting my panties back, am I?”
Once we’re outside of the small room, I lead her down the hallway toward the main area. Looking over my shoulder, I tell her, “No.”
“But it’s really weird for a stranger to have a pair of my panties.” She tugs on my hand, and I stop and face her. “Like, really weird, Nathan.”
I step closer to her. “We’re not strangers anymore.”
She rolls her eyes. “Yes, we are. We may have fucked, but that doesn’t mean we know each other.”
My nostrils flare at her use of the word fuck. It sounds fucking amazing coming from her lips.
“I know all I need to know.”
She chews her bottom lip. “But I don’t.” She looks to the side, then pulls her eyes back to mine, worry lining her face. “I don’t do this type of thing. And I don’t know why I did with you.”
I tuck a piece of blonde hair behind her ear. Bending my knees so we’re eye level with each other, I lower my voice. “You’re right. You don’t know me, and you have no reason to trust me. You should have never stepped foot in that room with me, but you did, and I don’t know why you did either. All I can say is I’m glad, because you felt really fucking good.” A ghost of a smile forms on her face, and it settles the pounding in my heart her concern caused. I don’t like her thinking something bad could come from what we did.
“You felt really good, too,” she whispers.
I smile, then lean down and run my lips across hers. “Good enough to do it again?”
“Maybe,” she answers, her grin playful.
I pull her toward me until her stomach meets the hardness in my jeans. Her eyes turn wide, then heat with desire. I nip at her bottom lip, and growl when her hand lands on my ass and tugs me closer.
“You think?” I ask. I run my tongue down her neck, making sure to scrape my scruff along her skin.
Her moan meets my ear. “Yes, I want to do it again.”
Placing a kiss over the pulse in her neck, I lift my head and grin down at her. “Yeah, I know you do.”
Laughing, she shakes her head.
“You’re still not getting your panties back,” I tell her as I walk us back out to the main room.
I WAKE WITH A SMILE ON MY FACE and my body pleasantly sore. Turning to the side, I hug my pillow to my chest and think about my mystery man. He’s not so much a mystery anymore. Well, he is, but there are things I definitely know about him now that I didn’t before. Like what he smells like, the color of his eyes—green—how his rough hands feel against me, the taste of his tongue, what his dick feels like sliding in and out of me.
The last thought brings tingles between my legs. I rub them together and release a small moan.
After calling Jessika and practically begging her to call her friend Tera to somehow get me into Blackie’s, I showed up with the hope of seeing him again. I had been there about thirty minutes when all the water I had consumed that day suddenly hit me. When I left the bathroom and saw him standing there, I was shocked, then hit with an explosive thrill. And to top it off, he was so much… more up close.