Page 19 of Watching Mine
Her lips are still attached to my neck, so I grab her hair and gently pull her head away. Her eyes are filled with lust as she gazes at me.
“Where do you live?” I grit out the question. I fucking need to get this girl somewhere I can fuck her, and not in a damn stock room. I want a bed this time.
She nibbles her lip for a moment, then relays her address, which I already fucking know. “Your place is closer,” I lie. Our places are the same damn distance from Blackie’s.
Her smile is sexy as she licks her lips and nods. “Okay.”
I dig my keys out of my pocket as I carry her to my truck. Beeping the unlock, I throw the door open, dump her inside, then stalk around and climb behind the wheel.
As soon as I see she’s buckled, I start the truck and peel out of the parking lot.
WARM BREATH AGAINST MY EAR is what wakes me. I take a deep breath, smelling a wonderful masculine scent. I smile, then crack my eyes open. Rays of sunlight filter in through the open curtains.
I snuggle deeper against the warm chest at my back. The arm tightens around my waist, and I relish in the feel of being in a man’s arms. Nathan grumbles something in his sleep, and I have to muffle a giggle.
Last night, when we made it back to my place, the door was barely closed before he had me against the wall beside it devouring my mouth. He lifted me right there, and I wrapped my legs around his waist, just like we were when he carted me away from Blackie’s. As I felt him fumble with his jeans under my ass and heard the crinkle of a condom wrapper he growled, “Move your panties aside.” I did as he bid, and a second later I was full of his massive cock. He stopped and rested his face in the crook of my neck, then demanded to know where my bedroom was. Once I told him, he carried me to the room; each step he took bounced me a little on his shaft. It was there that he fucked me good and raw, over and over again throughout the night, until we fell asleep in the wee hours of the morning wrapped in each other’s arms. It was one of the best nights of my life.
My bladder screaming at me pulls me from my lustful thoughts. I release a sigh, not wanting to get up yet, but knowing I have to. Luckily, today’s Saturday, and with Avery and my parents being out of town, I have nowhere I need to be.
As gently as I can so I don’t wake him, I slide out from under his arm. I rush to the bathroom, relieve my bladder, wash my hands, then walk back out to the bedroom, anxious to be back under the covers with my hot guy. Once I’m standing beside the bed, I look down at Nathan. A shiver runs down my spine at how good he looks lying in my bed. With the sheet at his waist, his magnificent chest is on display. I licked and nipped at those hard muscles last night. He rolls over to his stomach in his sleep, and the sheet moves down an inch, revealing just a sliver of his ass.
The vibration of my phone against the wood nightstand has my eyes jerking to the side. Seeing my mom’s Skype emblem on the screen has me jumping to action. I bend and snag Nathan’s shirt from the floor and hurriedly throw it on. Snatching the phone from the nightstand, I look at Nathan to find him still sleeping. Quickly walking across the room, I swipe my finger over the screen to accept the video call, then hold the same finger up to my lips, hoping my mom understands to be quiet for a moment. I look back over my shoulder once more. Still out like a light.
Once I’m in the kitchen, I bring the phone up to see my mom’s raised brows.
“Hey, Mom,” I greet, out of breath.
“And just what was that?” There’s no attitude to her tone, only open curiosity.
I give myself a minute to form a reply as I slip a k cup into the Keurig machine, and add a coffee mug to catch the deliciousness. Mom’s having none of it.
“Do you have a man over, Ember?” My eyes snap to my phone at the excitement in her question.
“Mom—” I start, but get interrupted.
“Because if you did, that would be wonderful, honey!” The big smile that comes across the screen makes my insides cringe. Not because I don’t enjoy seeing it, but for the reason behind it. She’s been after me for the last couple of years about my nonexistent dating life.
“It’s not like that, Mom,” I tell her.
“So, you don’t have a man over?” she asks, not even attempting to hide the disappointment.
I sigh and drop my head. After a moment, I lift it again and tell her, “I do, but he’s just a…” What is Nathan? A lover? A man who enjoys watching me receive pleasure? “A friend,” I finish lamely.
A smile creeps over her face. “A friend who sleeps in your bed,” she clarifies.
I groan, then open my mouth to tell her again that she has it wrong, but don’t get the chance.
“It’s okay. I get it. It’s really none of my business anyway.” Those are her words, but I know she’ll be asking me about him again.
“Where’s Avery?” I ask to change the subject, but also because I want to talk to her. “I missed seeing her yesterday.”
They were supposed to Skype me yesterday, but Avery ended up making a friend and was down at the pool with her and her friend’s mom when Mom called.
“Just coming out of the bathroom.” Looking past her screen, Mom’s eyes follow Avery until she’s sitting beside her. My heart fills with warmth at seeing her.