Page 41 of Watching Mine
“I need to get Emberleigh home,” he informs everyone.
Abby walks up and surprises me by enveloping me in a hug. Pulling back, she says, “It was so nice meeting you. I’m sorry we didn’t get more time to get to know each other.” Her eyes flick to Nathan before settling back on me. “But I suspect that’s going to change.”
Nathan grunts beside me. I offer a smile. “Thank you so much for having me.”
“You’re welcome anytime.”
We say goodbye to the others and then take our leave. Once we’re settled in Nathan’s truck, I turn to him.
“I like your friends. They seemed very nice.”
“They’re a crazy bunch,” he remarks, his lips curving up into a ghost of a smile.
“Yeah, but crazy is good sometimes.”
“That it is.” He reaches across the console, grabs my hand, and brings it back to his lap. “Got plans today?”
I look at the hand he’s holding, really liking the feel of his fingers entwined with mine and how much it engulfs my small one. His thumb rubs small circles over my skin.
“I do, actually. I normally spend Sundays with Avery at my parents’ place.”
He’s quiet for a moment, and I wonder if he’s going to ask about her. He hasn’t yet, and I’m both relieved and anxious. The conception of Avery isn’t something I like talking about. It’s a time in my life I’m not proud of. I’m actually very ashamed of how Avery came to be. I don’t regret it, because if it never happened it would mean not having Avery, but I still look back to then and feel hatred for myself.
But for some reason, I want to tell Nathan. As embarrassing as it would be, I want him to know my shameful secret. I don’t know why, I feel he won’t judge me for it. Or at least, I hope he wouldn’t.
“Okay,” he says, pulling me from my thoughts. “When’s your next free day?”
His question gives me pause. Between spending time with Avery, school, clinicals, and work, I’m not home much. My social life usually consists of dinner with Jessika on the rare chance our schedules allow it, and the very rare occasion she talks me into going out with her. I know Mom would blister my ears if I missed an opportunity to spend time with a man.
With that thought in mind, I decide to give myself the chance to do just that.
“I’m free tomorrow evening.”
He takes his eyes off the road just long enough to give me a smile. “Let me take you out. To dinner.”
I grin. “Okay.”
Butterflies form in my belly when his grin widens, pleased at my answer. He lifts my hand to his lips and places a soft kiss to the back of it. The scruff on his face against my skin sends shivers of need to my core and my clit pulses. My legs automatically clench together. My eyes go to Nathan and see his lips tipped up into a cocky smirk. He knows just how much he affects me, and from that look alone, he really likes it. Which is totally fine with me, because I like it too.
My phone vibrating in my purse snaps me out of my erotic haze. Nathan uncurls his fingers around my hand, and I snatch out the device. When I see the name on the screen, I cringe.
Damn it.
This is the second time Dean’s called. The first time I felt like a bitch, because I let it go to voicemail. It was after Nathan and I started seeing each other, and I knew Dean was calling to ask me out. I was a ninny and didn’t want to hurt his feelings by refusing him, especially after the way I acted with him on the dance floor.
I peek over to Nathan and see his eyes on my phone.
“Who’s Dean?” he asks.
His teeth are clenched, and I notice a tic in his jaw. I wonder what’s going through his head right now.
“The guy I was dancing with that first night,” I give him his answer.
Something flashes in his eyes, but before I can analyze it, he jerks his chin up at my phone. “Answer it.”
His statement surprises me. I lick my lips, look down at my phone, then back at him. His look has an edge, but his voice has softened when he demands again, “Answer it, Emberleigh.”
Keeping my eyes on Nathan, I accept the call and bring it to my ear.