Page 63 of Watching Mine
“Good,” Nathan murmurs beside me, before leaning down and kissing the top of my head.
The waitress brings our drinks and takes our lunch order. My lips twitch as I watch Tegan flirt with her. The guy could charm the panties off a nun.
“What are you doing later tonight, sweetheart?” Tegan uses his sexy voice, which never fails to work on females. He trails a finger up the outside of the waitress’s leg. Her eyes glaze over, and I have no doubt that if he were to reach beneath her skirt, he’d find her wet. I witness this shit all the time, and it amazes me how easy it is for him to pick up girls.
Lisa—according to her name tag—gives him a sultry look and replies, “I don’t know. Why don’t you tell me what I’m doing tonight? I get off at nine.”
When Ava snickers beside Tegan, the waitress looks over and gives her a dirty look. I kick Ava’s foot from under the table when she opens her mouth to tell the waitress to fuck off. We certainly don’t need Ava’s big mouth getting us kicked out of here. Although, I kind of want to slap the bitch myself. I may be a hard-ass, but Ava is ten times worse.
Either Tegan doesn’t sense the firecracker that is barely holding onto her leash sitting beside him, or he doesn’t care. He just continues with his pursuit of Lisa.
“How about I pick you up and take you to Blackie’s? Ever heard of the place?”
I have to force back my laugh when Lisa’s eyes widen. Blackie’s isn’t your normal hangout spot. With the stuff that goes on there, the place would be shut down if the owner, Mr. Black, didn’t have half the town in his back pocket. We’ve been going there for five years, and have done some pretty kinky shit there. There have been plenty of times I’ve been desperate for my fix, even taking guys in the back corner. If you go there, you know to keep your trap shut about the stuff you see. If you talk, your ass is booted and put on a blacklist. What happens at Blackie’s, stays at Blackie’s. And not just anyone can get in. You have to know someone in good standing with the club.
“Oh, wow!” Lisa breathes, swooning at the invite to the exclusive club. “You go to Blackie’s?”
“Sure do, sweetheart.” Tegan gives her a wink. “We all do.”
She glances around the table at each of us. She even looks at Ava with a newfound respect. It’s ridiculous what being part of the club can do for a person’s image.
She brings her eyes back to Tegan. “Yes!” she practically shouts, then clears her throat, trying her best to look cool. “I’d love to go with you.”
I swear I see stars in the girl’s eyes. Tegan doesn’t seem to care that she’ll be using him, just to get her foot in the door to Blackie’s. All he cares about is scoring his pussy for the night. Now, all he has to do is find someone to watch him perform. I have no doubt he’ll seal the deal with someone before the end of the night. But, if not, he can always get Nathan to do it. I glance over at Nathan and see his eyes lit with interest as he looks at Tegan and Lisa. Maybe Tegan won’t have to look for someone after all.
Tegan gets Lisa’s number and makes plans to pick her up after her shif
t. She bounces away, happy as can be, like she’s won the fucking lottery.
As soon as she’s gone, Ava slams her fist against his shoulder. “You couldn’t pick someone less… I don’t know… sleazy?”
Tegan shrugs, one corner of his mouth tipping up into a smirk. “Nope. Maybe I like them sleazy. Besides, less work for me to do later. I’ve slept with practically every girl at Blackie’s, so I need to branch out.”
“You fuckwit. We have to hang out with her too if she’s with you. Next time, pick someone that’s not going to have me gritting my teeth all night to keep from mouthing off at her. Did you see the look she gave me?”
He ruffles her hair, something he likes doing because he knows she hates it. She growls and shoves his hand away. “Come on, Ava. You can put up with her for a couple hours.” He bats his ridiculously long eyelashes and pleads with her in his most persuasive, sexy voice. “Play nice for me, please?”
“Whatever,” she mutters. “Just keep her as far away from me as possible.”
Leaning down, he kisses her cheek. “You’re the best, A.”
“Don’t you forget it, either,” she says playfully, a smile tugging at her lips.
“If you need someone tonight, hit me up,” Nathan pipes in.
Tegan looks at Nathan. Seeing the interest in his eyes, he winks. “You got it.”
Yeah, Tegan and Nathan will definitely be sharing tonight.
An hour later, we finish our meal and wait around for Tegan to pay the bill, flirting with Lisa in the process. Me, Ava, and Nathan make plans to meet at my place while Tegan picks Lisa up, so we can all head to Blackie’s together. After, we’ll split ways. In the meantime, I head home to do tedious chores that I always neglect during the week.
A pinch of pain starts in my lower stomach, but I push it away. Weekends are always the hardest for me since I’m not in a place where I know my needs have to be dormant. The pain will get worse throughout the day. The sweats will start soon, and so will the shakes. I can manage them for a few hours, but I know by the time we pull up to Blackie’s, the incessant cramps and uncontrollable desires will take hold until I find my willing partner for the night. I still feel dirty, having sex with a new guy every night, but I force myself to get over it. It’s not like I have any control over my addiction anyway. I’ve tried so damn hard to control it, but the pain becomes unbearable. So I’ve given up, taking it one day at a time, not caring anymore what people think.
I don’t know if I’ll always be like this. I mean, what the hell happens when I’m old and gray, and can’t get dick anymore? All I can do is pray that my sex drive will decrease to nothing, finally setting me free. Then maybe, just maybe, I’ll have a normal life for once.
However, as I walk through my apartment and feel the cramps getting stronger, I know that day will be a long time coming.