Page 9 of Watching Mine
Well, when he puts it like that, how can I say no? He’s trying to be a gentleman.
“Okay. Thank you.”
I walk over to Jessika. She gets up, and I give her a hug. When I try to pull away, she holds me in place. “Is everything okay?” she asks against my ear.
She releases me when I pull back again. Her eyes assess me, looking for anything that’s off. I lean in and kiss her cheek to reassure her.
“Everything’s fine. I promise. I’m just tired.”
She looks at me for several more seconds, before nodding. “Okay. I hate that you’re leaving early though. I finally get you out and you leave before you can really enjoy yourself.”
“I know. But we’ll do this again soon.”
Her eyes roll. She knows that “soon” is probably six months from now.
I laugh, then say goodbye to Marcus, before turning to Dean. He puts a hand on my lower back as we walk across the busy club. I can’t help but look around again for my mystery man, but never see him.
The night air is cold when we step outside. It’s refreshing after being in the stuffy air of the club. I pull in a deep lungful of air, then release it.
“I didn’t make you uncomfortable back there, did I?” Dean asks, filling the silence as we make our way to my car.
I look over at him. “No. It wasn’t you.” Obviously I can’t tell him the truth, so I stick with the same story as before. “It’s been a long day, and I’m just tired.”
He seems to accept my excuse, because he nods.
I stop us and dig my keys out of the small purse I’m carrying. “This is me.” I beep the locks and the lights flash. He pulls open the door, and I climb inside.
“I really am sorry,” I tell him. I drop my purse in the passenger side, then look at him. “And I’m sorry about earlier. I’m sure you probably thought….” I trail off, hoping he knows what I’m trying to say.
He bends slightly, and I see his face better in the interior light.
“Don’t worry about it, Emberleigh. And I never expect that from a woman.”
I smile, grateful he understands.
He clears his throat, suddenly looking nervous. “Would you like to have dinner sometime?”
I fidget with the hem of my dress while I think over his invite. On one hand, he seems like a really nice guy. He’s hot, has a good job, and is obviously a gentleman. But on the other, I don’t really have time to have a man in my life. Between my job, going to college part-time, and going back and forth between my place and my parents’, I never have time to relax and have fun.
I should tell him no. I don’t want him to get the wrong idea, but after performing on that dance floor for mystery man, I realized how much I miss being wanted. I miss the touch of a man. I miss the comfort being in a man’s arms can offer.
Making a decision I’m not entirely sure I’ll follow through on, I lift my eyes to Dean. “I would love to.”
His smile causes dimples to form in his cheeks, adding to his good looks.
“Great,” he says. He pulls his phone from him pocket. “What’s your number so I can call you sometime.” I recite my number, and seconds later, my phone dings. “That’s me. In case you want to call.”
He taps the top of my car and backs up a step. “Be safe driving home. I’ll call you in a few days.”
I nod and give him a small wave. Closing my door, I start the engine as he makes his way back to the club. I check both ways to make sure no one is coming. My breath freezes in my lungs when I look at the vehicles across from mine. There, sitting in a big black truck parked underneath one of the parking lot lights, is mystery man. His window is down with his arm hanging out, his fingers holding a cigarette. He brings it to his lips, inhales, and blows out a puff of smoke.
His eyes are pinned on me as he takes one more drag and flicks the cigarette away. His lips tip up into a smirk and he eases his truck forward. My eyes stay on him as he slowly drives away. It’s not until he’s out of sight that I’m able to pull in a breath.
I OPEN THE DOOR TO MY apartment and head straight to my kitchen. Dropping the keys on the counter, I grab a water out of the fridge. The bottle crinkles in my hand as I down half of it. It doesn’t do shit to cool the raging fire in my blood. I finish my water, then toss the empty bottle in the trash.