Page 22 of One Last Dance
Tugging a chair closer, Henry sat heavily and rubbed a hand against his face. “When you’re young and rich the tabloids have an interest. Sometimes they hang around and catch something juicy. You just got caught in the middle of that. I’m so sorry Sophie.”
“So that’s it? I’m just collateral damage? My business can’t come back from this.”
Henry leaned forward, elbows on his knees. “Your business isn’t ruined—”
“Do you think parents are going to want a whore teaching their children? And what about my professional students? Think they’ll stick around and put ‘trained by a famous prostitute’ on their CVs? I’m done, Henry. This,” she stabbed a finger toward the fron
t of the studio, “ends me.”
He winced as if she’d struck him again. “It doesn’t have to. That’s what I’m trying to tell you.”
Sophie jerked out of Darren’s grip and flung her hands in the air. “How does all of New York believing I’m an escort not ruin my business, Henry? I’m all ears.”
She saw Henry’s shoulders tighten defensively at her words, but to his credit he didn’t try and placate her. He gave her a minute to breathe before he replied. “You show them you’re not.”
Darren crossed his arms, cocking his head. Clearly, Henry had piqued his interest, but Sophie wasn’t biting. “It’s too late for that, the story is out. No matter what I do or say they’ll just think I’m lying to cover up my sordid activities.”
“The story is that I’m paying to have sex with you. It’ll sell papers, and the people who want to make it a problem for me will make sure the story sticks. But you’re right, if we try and protest they’ll just think we’re trying to cover it up.”
Sophie tapped her foot impatiently. “So what’re you suggesting?”
“We admit it.”
Her jaw fell open. “How does that help me at all?”
He held up his hands defensively. “Hold on, let me finish.” Sophie jerked a short nod. “We admit part of it. Pretend we’re a couple. Be seen in public together. It takes the starch out of the story. A couple having a spat is no news at all.”
“No.” She didn’t even have to think about it. It was ludicrous, she never wanted to see Henry again let alone play house with him. She would have to get herself out of this mess on her own, he was only going to make things worse. “No,” she said again.
“Sophie, this will save your business. We have to diffuse this situation. You need—”
The cauldron of anger in her belly had been bubbling ever since he’d arrived, but the sheer arrogance of his words sent it boiling over. “Don’t.” she bit out through clenched teeth. “The only thing I need from you is for you to get out of my life. Now.”
She pointed at the back door, breath quick and short. Heat burned in her cheeks like a fever as Henry rose, his face grim. “Sophie—”
His shoulders slumped. Darren opened the rear door, motioning for him to exit. Henry went, pausing on the threshold at the last second. His dark eyes were deep and wide with apparent remorse. “I’m sorry, Sophie. If you change your mind, you know how to reach me.”
“Goodbye, Henry.”
The second the door closed behind him she began to shake. Darren was at her side in an instant, wrapping her in strong arms as she wept.
“Oh, god, Dar. What am I going to do?”
“First things first. Let’s get the heck out of here.”
She sniffled. “I like that plan.”
They quickly gathered their things, not bothering to turn off the lights in fear that they might alert the paparazzi to their escape. At the back door, Darren took her elbow and gave it a reassuring squeeze. “Ready to go?”
Sophie nodded. “Beyond ready. If I don’t get away from them now I think I’m going to scream.”
Darren swept open the rear door and ushered her through it. “Your wish is my command.”
Chapter Ten
“Oh god, I’m going to explode.” Sophie pushed her plate away. The gesture was an empty one, since the plate was scraped clean. Wayne chuckled.