Page 67 of One Last Dance
Her breath caught in her throat. Henry loved her!
She threw her arms around his neck. “Well then, Mr. Medina, let’s stop looking at this empty lot and go start living our life together. How does that sound?”
Henry’s mouth touched hers, his lips soft and warm and everything she’d ever wanted.
“And the insurance papers are in this red folder here. In case of fire, or a flood, or—”
“Or the Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man, yes I know, Soph!” Darren rolled his eyes, tapping a paper plate tambourine against his thigh. He was being accompanied on various toilet roll bean shakers and wooden blocks by a class of 3 to 5 year olds as they hopped and flailed to the somewhat discordant music they were making themselves.
This was one of their beginner classes, meant mostly to get the kids interested in music and movement. They only taught the most basic of steps. Most of the time was spent in ‘free dance’, as Darren called it.
Sophie almost ran back to the office and slipped the bright red folder in among the other color-coordinated files she had arranged beside the phone. She slid her earring in and called through the open classroom door to Darren.
“I’m putting it just here, beside the phone! Remember, the purple file has all the emergency numbers in it. The yellow is class schedules. Jeanie is on call to help out whenever you need her, all you have to do is give her twenty-four hours notice!” She snatched up her purse and dashed back into the classroom.
Darren had put a record on the old player and was showing the kids first position.
“Did you hear me?” Sophie propped a hand on her hip. Darren’s blond brows ticked upward.
“Red, insurance. Purple, emergency contacts. Yellow, class schedules. Jeanie on call, twenty-four hours notice!” He repeated in time with the music, demonstrating deep bends for the kids. “I’ll be fine, Sophie, I have run the studio before in your absence, you know.”
She adjusted the scarf draped around her throat. It was silk, a gift from Henry for their anniversary. Henry liked celebrating milestones. And giving her gifts. She stroked the soft fabric between her fingers, smiling.
“I know, Dar. It’s just... I’ve never gone quite this far away before. You promise to call if anything happens? You know you can reach me day or night.”
Darren’s smile was indulgent. “Sophie, darling. I love you, but you’re only going to Switzerland for a week. Not a month. Not a year. A week. It’ll be fine here. But in the very, very, very unlikely case that something grave happens, I swear on the head of my unborn child that I will call you.”
“Good.” A grin split Sophie’s face at his mention of his “unborn child.” Darren and Wayne had finally found a surrogate they liked and had begun the procedures to make a baby. Both men were incredibly excited and Sophie was happy for her friends. Darren shook his head at her grin and sidled a little closer.
“Speaking of major life events, any indications if Hunky is going to pop the question on this oh-so-romantic vacation?”
She snorted at Darren’s nickname for Henry. Her best friend had made a surprising turnaround on his hostility toward her gorgeous boyfriend. Then again, Henry had made it his mission to win Darren’s approval. In the end, it had been how happy he was making Sophie that had finally earned him the blond’s acceptance. Now, Darren was lobbying hard for her and Henry to hurry up and get married and have babies.
The idea made Sophie’s stomach and heart switch places whenever she thought about it.
“It’s a business trip, not a vacation. Henry has to go check on the progress of the club. I’m just tagging along.”
“Right.” Darren rolled his eyes again. Sophie ignored him, digging in her purse for her checklist. She needed to double check and make sure she’d done everything she needed to do here. Henry would be here to pick her up and take her to the airport any minute. His private jet would be leaving in a little over two hours.
“Will you hush with all the marriage and babies talk?” she hissed softly, flicking Darren a quick look. “We are not ready for that yet.”
That was a half-truth. They’d talked about both in the months since they’d officially started seeing each other. Not in any concrete sort of way, yet. But they had discussed their feelings on both marriage and children. And Sophie knew if Henry did ask on this trip, and a small part of her was hoping he did, she would say yes.
Fast or not, when it came to spending her life with Henry, Sophie was all for her happily ever after starting now.
She smiled down at the checklist. Not because it was complete, although it was, but just recalling when she’d written in up, in bed with Henry as they’d made plans for this trip, brought a smile to her face.
“Kids, shall we wish Miss Sophie good luck?” Darren asked, shaking his paper plate tambourine. The kids all clapped.
“Good luck, Miss Sophie!”
“Why we wishing her luck?” one little girl asked, her adorable face scrunching into a confused scowl. A little boy beside her rolled his eyes in an expression that bore a marked resemblance to Darren. Sophie snickered.
“‘Cause, silly. She’s getting her a husband.”