Page 23 of Perfect (#Hashtag 1)
My cornerman Andrew’s voice reached my ears. “You won, man!” He said that like he knew I had no idea what was going on but how he knew. “Teague, you won the fight!”
The disbelief in his voice matched my own disbelief. Bob The Tucker was known in the underground circles as something of a challenge and there were more people rooting for him at the start of our fight than I had ever seen rooting for anyone in the past month that I’ve been attending the fights. Did I just knock him down in round three? Is the game really over? I need someone to tell me how to get back to Sebastian because I have no clue…
And then instead of cheering me everyone starts scrambling about and there are voices that I can hear but those voices don’t form a proper sentence in my head so I try to figure it out but all I can see is that Bob is on the floor and he isn’t moving. His face is all bloody and there’s a nasty bruise on his chest, right under his heart, and the bruise seems to be growing in size…
“Teague!” Someone pulls me out of the cage and I let them. It’s when we’re out in the open that I even realize it was Sebastian who had pulled me out.
“Teague!” Sebastian yells. “Hey! Can you hear me?”
I try to focus on Sebastian’s face but I can’t.
There’s a lot of noise inside my ears and then I feel a headache coming on that makes me double over on the street and I’m holding my head in my hands and screaming.
“Fuck, Teague!” Sebastian yells and he and someone else, grab hold of me and put me in the back of the limo. When Sebastian gets in, the limo starts to move and Sebastian takes off his shirt and dabs my face with it. “You stupid fuck!”
My head is still screaming with that nasty ache…
“Steven,” Sebastian says and I realize that’s who the other guy was who picked me up and hauled me into the car because Sebastian himself isn’t capable of it. “Let’s go to the emergency room please.”
“No…” I start to protest but Sebastian cuts me off. “Shut up, Teague. I’ll take care of it.”
“The cops…”
“We’ll call Vince!” Sebastian says and I realize he’s right. Vince is my cousin and he will make sure I don’t get in trouble. But I’m still in trouble if he rats me out to my family.
“Can’t tell Mia…” I try to speak.
“Fuck, Teague. I said I’ll take care of it! Now shut up and relax.”
I’ve never seen Sebastian this angry before.
Or this worried.
“I’m sorry…” I say and realize that I’ve started to cry. “Did I kill him?”
Sebastian says nothing.
“Fuck,” I sob. “I fucking killed him, didn’t I! I fucking killed a guy! Fuck!”
Sebastian pushes a button so the screen goes up, giving us privacy from Steven. He places a hand on my shoulder and puts a little pressure on it. “Teague,” he says. “Listen to me. Don’t you have to sign a disclaimer before these fights? Something that says the fighter alone is responsible for any damage that happens and no one else?”
“So that guy signed it too.”
“I guess.”
“So he’s not your responsibility, Teague! He did this knowing the risks!”
“Yeah but it’s kind of an unsaid rule that you won’t kill anyone!” I snap. “Fuck, Sebastian! I’m fucked!”
“Teague,” Sebastian says. “You didn’t kill anyone. You got that? That guy was alive when we left.”
“You don’t know that…”
“Fuck Teague!” Sebastian yells louder this time. “You didn’t kill anyone! That guy was alive when we left! Say it with me!”
I can’t stop looking out the window at the world moving past me.