Page 42 of Perfect (#Hashtag 1)
“Oh my God,” I say, grabbing the remote from Teague. “Are you seriously watching boxing matches again? I thought you’d have been scarred for life.”
“Hey,” Teague says. “They soothe me. Now give me back the remote!”
“This is my house, I get to decide what we watch,” I say, switching to a channel that’s showing some action-thriller.
“I’m sick,” Teague says. “Sick and depressed trumps home-owner.”
“In your dreams.”
“You know if I could walk,” Teague says. “That remote would already be in my hand.”
I grin. “But you can’t…walk. Poor baby.”
“You know you’re going to get your ass kicked when I’m better, right?”
“If you kick my ass, I’ll tell Mia everything.”
Teague glares at me. “Don’t even joke about that.”
“Teague, I’m sorry. I was joking you know I would never do that.”
The buzzer rings and I get up to get the door and throw the remote to Teague who catches it and promptly proceeds to change the channel before I’ve even left the room. I shake my head and head to answer the door.
“Yes?” I say to the face that’s partly in shadows standing outside my doorstep.
Before I can answer, he pushes his way in, grabs me by the shirt, and slams me into a wall and starts kissing me. “Liam, stop!” I say, breaking off. “Teague’s in the other room!”
“That’s why we’re making out here,” Liam says, and still hasn’t stopped trying to kiss me and I don’t know why I’m kissing him back. It’s like he’s unleashed something inside me, something that’s been asleep or dead for so long, that I’d forgotten it even existed. Something that’s making my insides melt and my heart beat faster.
I have a disease and he’s the only cure.
“Liam,” I say, trying to break off again. “We can go to my room. We can’t…here.”
“Why? Are you a screamer?” Liam asks, grinning.
“I don’t know.”
Liam looks at me. “You don’t know?” His eyebrows lift almost of their own accord and he’s stopped trying to kiss me though he still has his hands on my shirt. “Sebastian,” he says. “Is this…I mean, would this be your first time?”
I can feel the flush creeping up on my cheeks. “Maybe.”
Liam lets go of me. “Fuck,” he says. “Then we can’t do this.”
“What?” I can’t believe he’s even saying that. I have a bloody erection in my pants that doesn’t look like it’s going to go away anytime soon and he’s telling me he can’t do it? What the hell? “You got me all hot and bothered and now you’re telling me you can’t?”
He grins again. “I got you all hot and bothered?”
“Shut up!” I say and move away from the wall. “And get out!”
Liam grabs my forearm and pulls me toward him. His fingers go over my face, and he’s just looking at me, his gaze fixed on me. “Don’t be angry,” he says. “That’s not what I meant.”
I don’t know what to say so I just stand there and wait for him to talk. “You know how hard you’re breathing?” Liam whispers. “It means your heart is beating fast. Now you know how I feel every time I think about you, every time I see you.”
“Why’re you telling me all that?”
“Because,” he says. “I want you to know that this is real. I want you to know that you don’t have to be afraid of anything because I’m going to protect you and take care of you. I’ve never felt that way for anyone, Sebastian.”