Page 48 of Perfect (#Hashtag 1)
The dress she’s wearing is new; I’ve never seen it before. Selena gives me strange glances and so do Mia’s friends and the rest of the people in the café. Yes, I’m a freak. I don’t give a shit. Before I was a freak in silence and now I’m a freak on display. That’s the only difference. After everything that’s happened the past few weeks, I can’t delay this any longer.
“Mia,” I say. “I’m sorry.”
She gets up quietly and leaves the booth, starts walking towards the door. “Mia, stop!”
“What do you think you’re doing?” she turns and asks. “Do you think that if you create some kind of scene that I’ll just fall back in your arms? You think you can change my mind this way?”
“No, Mia. I don’t expect you forgive me, I don’t even expect you want me around. But I can’t help it. I can’t help that I’m still madly in love with you and I can’t help that I do nothing all day but sit and think about everything I’ve done, all the ways I’ve hurt you and I can’t help that I want to be with you and I want to make up for it.”
She gets tears in her eyes. “You can’t make up for it.”
“Mia,” I say, gently this time. “I know ever since you found your parents were cheating on each other and still continued to stay married, you’ve been wary of relationships. I know how much you want to fall in love with someone, how badly you want to be loved back but I know how scared you are of the very same thing. And I know I told you that I would never hurt you, Mia and that’s why you gave me a chance. And I was happy. And that should have been enough—I just—I hadn’t thought this through. I hadn’t…fuck Mia…I made a mistake.”
“I can’t trust you again, Teague.”
“Yes,” I say. “Yes, you can. This is the last time I fuck up, Mia. It will never happen again. You have my word.”
“I don’t believe you,” she says and walks out of the café so I go after her but she continues to walk away from me.
“Mia stop!” I say. “Stop or I’ll pick you up right now and fuck you in the middle of the street.”
She turns to me. I wish those tears would leave. I wish the pain in her eyes would go with them. “You think this is a joke?” she says. “That you can make wisecracks and talk your way out of it?”
“Please forgive me.”
She’s still crying but at least she’s not going away. “What do you want from me, Teague?”
“I want us to be like we were before,” I say. “I want us to move past this, so we can step into the future, Mia. Together. I just want this to be over.” Tears come to my eyes too and I slowly walk up to her and fall to my knees. “Mia, I’m sorry. I never meant to hurt you. It was just…just something I wanted to do! Supposed to be a little fun! It got out of hands but I never meant to hurt you or anyone.”
“I know that.”
“So why won’t you forgive me?”
“Teague,” she says. “Forgiving you is not the problem. I just don’t think I can go back to what we had.”
I grab her hand and kiss it. “Mia,” I say. “I want you in my life, whatever way you want me to be. So long as we’re together, I don’t give a shit if you fuck fifty guys!”
She laughs through the tears. “I don’t want to fuck fifty guys you idiot! I want to fuck you!” she says. “Everything was going well, why’d you have to fuck it up you asshole?”
“Can I get up now?”
“Promise me,” she says. “Promise me no more fighting. No more illegal stuff, Teague. None. No more hurting me. I won’t gi
ve you another chance, I mean it.”
“I promise.”
“You can get up now.”
I still keep my hold on her hand and stand and kiss her. Fuck, it feels like home. I have no words to describe that feeling. “Does that mean you’re giving us another chance?”
“One last chance,” she says, and starts walking away again.
I run after her. “Is that a new dress?”